
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Demonic Hauntings

Demonic Hauntings
A Demonic haunting, is when a negative, non human spirit or spirits haunt a location. Demons destroy families and can haunt people their entire lives. These types of hauntings usually start out playful but can quickly turn very dangerous and even deadly. Even if you move, the demons will follow. An exorcism or cleansing must be conducted to rid the victim, object or location of these negative entities, by a demonologist, priest or shaman, but there's is no guarantee this will work.

Demons are negative none human spirits, commonly used in Judeo - Christian terms as fallen Angels. The term also applies to many different Gods & Spirits in other cultures that predate Judeo - Christian ones. It is believed there is a hierarchy with demons as well, ranging from the very powerful to lesser ones. Demons are very deceptive about concealing their true identity, often disguising themselves as harmless spirits or ghosts. A demon can appear as many entities to confuse its targets and to extract more fear energy out of victims by making their numbers seem greater. However they usually attack in waves starting with the lesser Demons leading the way. Once the victim has been morally broken down over time the more powerful Demons step in for the possession. It is important to obtain the Demons name, as this will help the Exorcist or Shaman in the exorcism or cleansing. Foul smells like rotting garbage and sulfur are tell tail signs of a demonic presence. The sounds of animal grunting are associated as well, and their appearance can range from a dark shadow form, human- like form to horned, half animal like creatures. Never taunt or challenge a demon unless properly trained, as this usually increases the violence at a haunted location. 

Demons are evil inhuman supernatural beings of intelligence, wit and power. They have the ability to invade our homes, attach themselves to objects and humans and cause both mental and emotional torture by attacking or possessing humans. They can morph into any shape they wish, from humans to animals, before your eyes. They are neither male nor female, but will change to whatever meets their need at the time. Demons are most commonly seen as black masses standing in doorways or in corners of the room. They have a hatred for mankind and think of us as lowly and stupid. Most demonic entities like a challenge and are incredibly conniving; they may have you believing they are good spirits or may appear to have gone away, only to confront you again at the least expected and most vulnerable moment. Their main goal is to break down a person's free will in order to make way for possession, beginning as oppression. This can take days, months or years, but time is of no concern to them... they don't give up easily.

Demonic hauntings usually start in a subtle way: Faucets dripping, scratches in the walls, thumping sounds, knocking. These behaviors typically share the characteristics of a poltergeist haunting, but will become more extreme. As the seriousness progresses, your blankets may be pulled off the bed, things fall off the walls, perhaps the bed shakes violently, maybe you begin hearing growling sounds. Why is it doing this? Because it wants you to know it's in control and wants you to fear it. They feed off this energy... and believe me, it can be taxing if you are off guard.

The fear is what the demon needs, so the more you fear it, the stronger it becomes. Once they succeed in creating an atmosphere of fear, they start to exaggerate their powers, then the personal attacks begin....scratches on the skin, pushing, shoving and hitting. One mark often associated with a demon attack is a scratch of three lines, which is believed to be the sign of the mocking of a Trinity. The air in the affected area will feel thick like fog and the temperature will drastically change, usually becoming warmer, which is the opposite from a human entity attempting to manifest (although decreasing temperatures have been noted with demonic hauntings as well). It's common for several entities to exist in one location with a strong evil presence seemingly controlling the others and not allowing them to cross over. These demons come into our world through a gateway.... and it's often either a cave, a well, or natural hole in the earth...and normally not more than 10 or 20 feet away from a haunting. Places that are believed to have crossing "Ley Lines" also act as a magnet or portal for demons, as well as other entities. Another way for them to enter is through a "door", usually opened up by using a Ouija Board or delving into some form of black magic, witchcraft, or demonic worship that the person shouldn't be meddling in. In this case, the person most likely doesn't know what they have gotten themselves into unless it's done deliberately. It's always a safe bet to stay away from these temptations; yes, that includes Ouija Boards that seem harmless.

A demonic haunting requires immediate action; the longer it's allowed to remain, the stronger it becomes. You will need to seek the help from an experienced paranormal group, demonologist or a local church. In most cases, it will usually take the exorcism by an ordained priest to rid your home of the demon. There are, however, other methods that may work.
It is believed that you can possess the ability to drive it away on your own. You will have to gather the strength within yourself and "Command" it to leave. Yes Command. Don't taunt, don't confront, don't get angry, and most of all, do not show fear. It's believed that it's like a code of conduct with them. Sometimes they will leave, not right away, but with persistance and with NO FEAR. Also, it's been said that demons don't like to be ignored. If it can't get you to fear it, then the game is over. Like they say, ignore it and it will go away, unless it is determined to attach itself to a person.

Something else that might help is smudging. To smudge your house, open the windows and light a bundle of dried sage or smudging sticks (available at most health stores). Sage is believed to clear away negative energy and spirits. Catch the ashes with a plate held underneath the bundle and walk around your home to cleanse it with the sage smoke. Make sure the smoke covers every part of the home, especially corners, closets, basements and attics. It is also said that sprinkling holy water throughout the house might work too; although this is not always successful if not done by a priest. All Catholic Churches will have Holy Water available, as well as many other churches. When obtaining Holy Water it is customary to leave a small donation, if possible. You will also need to recite a prayer when smudging or using Holy Water.

There is one thing that you should understand: These methods will not always work. If you truly suspect a demonic haunting, we highly suggest that you DO NOT use any method in any attempt to rid it yourself. A very common belief is that if you hold up a cross or splash Holy Water around, the demon will not harm you and will leave right away. There's not an ounce of truth in this. Yes, these may help in an emergency situation, but it's more likely that it will just anger the entity. Again, this is better left for Priests or a qualified demonologist.


  1. If anybody needs an exorcist I'm the man for the job . I'm a christia and whom ever needs to be freed call me I'm john aka the baptist 619-245-1608

    1. Can you call my mom please 7029128187

    2. R u no kidding can help me and my family?

    3. R u no kidding can help me and my family?

  2. What state do you reside

  3. You can call upon a demon if approached with respect and an offering just the same as a guide or in the christian since an angel or catholics as hierarchial angels

    1. Demons are not human, therefore they don't care at all if you offer them anything and they really don't care if it's done with respect. What the hell are you thinking writing something like this? Demons will always suck their victims in no matter what. At first the victim may even think that its a child spirit or a loved one. Once the demon has a hold, there is no saying what it can and will do. If anyone approaches a demon and offers it something, than they are making contact with the demon, basically cementing the demons hole. They have now interacted with the demon. Most of the time, if the demon is not summoned through occult practices or a Ouija, all it need is simple interaction with the intended victim so start their rein of hell. And you just told God knows how many people to offer a demon a gift with respect. You don't know anything about demons or haunting's so please don't give advice on it again.

  4. I summoned something with a ouija board when I was 14 years old! Now I'm 36 and I believe its with me. Now I come to find that this demon is attacking me and my 14 year old son. I've become extremely sick and depressed and I feel pain and suffering all the time. I don't want this anymore. I thought it was a little girl with me tlall these years. But I believe this demon is very close to breaking me down completely. Everyone thinks I'm crazy this is not who I am I live in las Vegas if there is real help please let me know.

    1. Is this Zak Bagans?

    2. Hello...I live in Las Vegas...have same experience with dark spirits...are you still having the issue? I would like to talk to you if you wouldn't mind? I just moved to Vegas 3 weeks ago...picked this up in California and thought I would lose it by moving but it traveled with me to vegas...ughh! pls contact me if you are okay with talking to me...thanks 818 564 0215

  5. What must I do my sister see at night a girl with dirty clothes on but the girl just watch and doesn't do anything but my sister does have a son of 2 every night her son is very cold his skin and he doesn't sleep well my mother saw it too and I did when I was pregnant with my son but when I saw her she almost looked like my daughter When I woked up to tell her to go back to bed she had a very evil grin I moved out of the house but poeple that lived befor me their saw it too but.. my mums house was 2 hiuses from me and know my sister sees it to and my mother

  6. I don't know where else to go with this. This is the briefest summary of what has been happening that I can give. There are many, many details being left out for brevity's sake (and to maintain anonyminity).

    Many years ago while I was away at summer camp, my bunkmates and I encountered a shadowy figure that entered out tent and tormented us for a night. It primarily targeted me but eventually the four of us did see it exit the tent. Soon after leaving the camp and returning home I saw a similar shadowy figure "fly" across my backyard.

    I have no doubt that my parent's house has been haunted since before they moved in. After that experience at camp though, the activity was much different. When previously there were many calm ghosts, there was soon very few. I didn't see the occasional "shiny spots" that I had when I was younger and instead there was a shadow that felt very much like the one from camp. Now a decade later I no longer live with them and when I return the activity is too quiet. It's like there's only one entity but it's as if it's the same one that I still am encountering in every apartment and home I've lived in since.

    I'm really worried that the thing I saw at camp was a demon that has attached itself to me. I've had a friend with demonic experience try to purge it from me and it instead sent what they called "mental spikes" into their mind. We both had very intense mental pictures and sounds while this was happening but neither of us were able to discern any kind of name, only that it wanted my friend to stop trying to get rid of it. This was a few months ago.

    Recently I moved states and have started living in a house with people I love (my chosen family instead of biological). One of my housemates, let's call her A, did several smudgings of the house before any of us moved in. After I got in, it seemed like things were fairly calm and would remain as such. Unfortunately we weren't that lucky. One night while having friends over A and our friends all saw it come behind me and knock a bottle off of the fridge and almost hit me. I turned around just in time to see the edge of it disappear around the corner. Since then we've done more smudgings but that seems to have angered it.

    I woke up a few days ago to see a long scratch down the back of my right ankle. The next night, A's dogs kept barking at "nothing" and fussing a lot. Then the following morning my other housemate (B) and I had to do work in the attic. While we were up there I felt something pulling my right ankle down. I turned to warn B but they had already stepped near me and the floor broke under them and they fell through. I was able to catch myself and luckily B wasn't badly hurt, only some bruises on their left side. The things that's bugging me though is that I think I saw the shadow figure up there before this happened, and I think if it was it might have pulled/pushed B when they got close to me. This concern is increased because while I was helping bandage B up the only wounds they had on the right side were a few ~3 inch scratches on their back near the hip. I can't recall at the moment if it was two or three and I don't want to freak them out by asking.

    Please, if anyone reads this and think they can help, reply to this comment. I'm really afraid that it's going to hurt my loved ones more while it tries to break me down. I'm so scared of what it will do next. If this is the same thing from camp, this summer will mark the 10th year it's been with me. Please help if you can.

  7. Keep the comments coming guys! Please read our blog pages for more help!
