Is there an ancient alien structure in Russia's "Valley of Death"?
In northwestern Yakutia in Siberia, in the basin of the Upper Viliuy River, there is a hard-to-reach area that bears the marks of a tremendous cataclysm that took place some 800 years ago, which toppled the entire forest cover and scattered stone fragments over hundreds of square kilometres. Distributed across this area are mysterious metal objects located deep underground in the permafrost. On the surface, their presence is revealed only by patches of weird vegetation. The ancient name of this area is Uliuiu Cherkechekh, which translates as "the Valley of Death".
For many years the Yakut people have given a very wide berth to this remote area that has played and still plays a special, powerful role in the fate not only of civilisation but of the planet as a whole. After having systematised a large quantity of reports and material of various kinds, we decided to inform you of something that may change perceptions of the world around us and our place in it, if humanity can take heed of what is stated here.
In order to provide the fullest possible picture, we have divided our account into three sections:
- The first contains the facts and eyewitness reports in the form in which they reached us.
- The second presents the ancient legends of peoples living in this region and the epic poetry of neighbouring peoples who observed strange phenomena. This is important so that you can carry out your own investigation and appreciate for yourselves every detail of the narrative.
- Finally, we discuss what lies behind all this.
Eyewitness Reports
The area in question can be described as a solid mass of swamps, alternating with near-impassable taiga, covering more than 100,000 square kilometres. Some fairly curious rumours have become attached to the area regarding metal objects of unknown origin located across its expanse.In order to shed light on whatever it was that, existing barely perceptibly alongside us, gave rise to these rumours, we had to go into the ancient history of this region to discover its beliefs and legends. We managed to recreate certain elements of the local palaeotoponymy and these matched in an astonishing manner the content of the ancient legends. Everything indicated that the legends and rumours were referring to quite specific things.
Mysterious Illnesses in the "Iron House"
In days gone by, there were bold men among the local hunters who would sleep in these rooms. But then they began to fall seriously ill, and those who had spent several nights in a row there soon died. The Yakut said that the place was "very bad, marshy, and beasts do not go there". The location of all these constructions was known only to old men who had been hunters in their youth and had often visited these places. They lived a nomadic life and their knowledge of the peculiarities of the area—where one could go, and where one couldn't—was a matter of vital necessity. Their descendants have adopted a settled way of life, so this knowledge from the past has been lost.In 1936, alongside the Olguidakh ("place with a cauldron") River, a geologist directed by elderly natives came upon a smooth metal hemisphere, reddish in colour, protruding from the ground with such a sharp edge that it "cut a fingernail". Its walls were about two centimetres thick and it stuck out of the ground roughly a fifth of its diameter. It stood leaning over so that it was possible to ride under it on a reindeer.
The geologist despatched a description of it to Yakutsk, the regional centre. In 1979, an archaeological expedition from Yakutsk attempted to find the hemisphere he had discovered. The team members had with them a guide who had seen the structure several times in his youth, but he said that the area was greatly changed and so they failed to find anything. It must be said that in that locality you can pass within 10 paces of something and not notice it, so earlier discoveries have been pure luck.
Back in 1853, R. Maak, a noted explorer of the region, wrote:
"In Suntar [a Yakut settlement] I was told that in the upper reaches of the Viliuy there is a stream called Algy timirbit (which translates as "the large cauldron sank") flowing into the Viliuy. Close to its bank in the forest there is a gigantic cauldron made of copper. Its size is unknown as only the rim is visible above the ground, but several trees grow within it…"The same thing was recorded by N. D. Arkhipov, a researcher into the ancient cultures of Yakutia:
"Among the population of the Viliuy basin there is a legend from ancient times about the existence in the upper reaches of that river of bronze cauldrons or olguis. This legend deserves attention as the areas that are the supposed location of the mythical cauldrons contain several streams with the name Olguidakh — 'Cauldron Stream'."And here is a passage from a letter penned in 1996 by another person who visited the Valley of Death. Mikhail Koretsky from Vladivostok wrote:
"I was there three times. The first time was in 1933, when I was ten—I travelled with my father when he went there to earn some money—then in 1937, without my father. And the last time was in 1947 as part of a group of youngsters.In his letter, Koretsky stresses that in 1933 his Yakut guide told him that:
"The 'Valley of Death' extends along a right-hand tributary of the Viliuy River. In point of fact it is a whole chain of valleys along its flood lands. All three times I was there with a guide, a Yakut. We didn't go there because life was good, but because there, in the back of beyond, you could pan for gold without the threat that at the end of the season you'd be robbed or get a bullet in the back of your head."As for mysterious objects, there are probably a lot of them there, as in three seasons I saw seven of those 'cauldrons'. They all struck me as totally perplexing: for one thing, there was their size—between six and nine metres in diameter.
"Secondly, they were made of some strange metal. Everyone has written that they were made of copper, but I'm sure it isn't copper. The thing is that even a sharpened cold chisel will not mark the 'cauldrons' (we tried more than once). The metal doesn't break off and can't be hammered. On copper, a hammer would definitely have left noticeable dents. But this 'copper' is covered over with a layer of some unknown material resembling emery. Yet it's not an oxidation layer and not scale—it can't be chipped or scratched, either.
"We didn't come across shafts going down into the ground with chambers. But I did note that the vegetation around the 'cauldrons' is anomalous—totally different from what's growing around. It's more opulent: large-leaved burdock; very long withes; strange grass, one and a half or two times the height of a man. In one of the 'cauldrons', the whole group of us (six people) spent the night. We didn't sense anything bad, and we calmly left without any sort of unpleasant occurrences. Nobody fell seriously ill afterwards. Except that three months later, one of my friends lost all his hair. And on the left side of my head (the side I slept on), three small sore spots the size of match-heads appeared. I've tried to get rid of them all my life, but they're still with me today.
"None of our efforts to break off even a small piece from the strange 'cauldrons' was successful. The only thing I did manage to bring away was a stone. Not an ordinary one, though: half of a perfect sphere, six centimetres in diameter. It was black in colour and bore no visible signs of having been worked, yet was very smooth as if polished. I picked it up from the ground inside one of those cauldrons.
"I took my souvenir of Yakutia with me to the village of Samarka, Chuguyevka district, Primorsky region (the Soviet Far East), where my parents were living in 1933. I was laid up with nothing to do until my grandmother decided to build a house. We needed to put glass in the windows and there wasn't a glass-cutter in the entire village. I tried scoring it with the edge of that half of a stone sphere, and it turned out to cut with amazing ease. After that, my find was often used like a diamond by all our relatives and friends. In 1937 I gave the stone to my grandfather, but that autumn he was arrested and taken to Magadan where he lived on without trial until 1968 and then died. Now no-one knows where my stone got to…"
"…five or ten years before, he had discovered several spherical cauldrons (they were absolutely round) that protruded high (higher than a man) out of the ground. They looked brand new. Later the hunter had seen them again, now broken and scattered."Koretsky also noted that when he visited one "cauldron" a second time, in the intervening few years it had sunk appreciably into the ground.
A. Gutenev and Yu. Mikhailovsky, two researchers who lived in the town of Mirny in Yakutia, reported that in 1971 an old hunter belonging to the Evenk people had said that in the area between two rivers known as Niugun Bootur ("fiery champion") and Atadarak ("place with a three-sided harpoon"), there is poking out of the ground the very thing that gave the place its name—a "very big" three-faceted iron harpoon—while in the area between two rivers known as Kheliugur ("iron people"), there is an iron burrow in which lie "thin, black, one-eyed people in clothes of iron". He said that he could take people there, that it was not far away, but no-one believed him. In the meantime, he died.
The Fiery Giant
One more of these objects was, to all appearances, covered after the building of a dam on the Viliuy, slightly below the Erbiie. According to the account of one of the builders of the Viliuy hydro-electric project, when they constructed a diversion canal and drained the main channel they discovered in it a convex metal "spot". Deadlines were pressing and after a cursory inspection of the find the project managers gave orders for work to continue.Once some old men said that flowing in the place called Tong Duurai is a stream called Ottoamokh ("holes in the ground") and that around it there are incredibly deep openings known as "the laughing chasms". That same name also crops up in legends that state that this is the dwelling of a fiery giant who destroys everything around. Roughly every six or seven centuries, a monstrous "fireball" bursts out from there and it either flies off somewhere into the distance and (judging by the chronicles and legends of other peoples) explodes there, or it explodes directly above its exit point—as a result of which, the area for hundreds of kilometres around has been reduced to a scorched desert with shattered rocks.
Yakut legends contain many references to explosions, fiery whirlwinds and blazing spheres rising into the air. And all those phenomena are somehow or other associated with the mysterious metal constructions found in the Valley of Death. Some of them are large, round, "iron houses" standing on numerous lateral supports. They have neither windows nor doors, only a "spacious manhole" at the top of the dome. Some of them have sunk almost completely into the permafrost, with only a barely noticeable arch-like protuberance remaining on the surface. Witnesses who are strangers to each other describe this "resounding metal house" in the same way. Other objects scattered across the area are the metallic hemispherical lids that cover something unknown. Yakut legends say that the mysterious blazing spheres are produced by "an orifice belching smoke and fire" with a "banging steel lid".
In the 1950s, the Soviet military cast an eye over this area, evidently due to the exceptionally sparse population on its northern fringes, and conducted a series of atomic tests there. One of the explosions produced a great puzzle, and foreign specialists are still speculating about it. As the German radio station Deutsche Welle reported in September 1991 that, when a 10-kilogram nuclear device was being tested in 1954, for unknown reasons the size of the explosion exceeded the calculations by a factor of 2,000 to 3,000, reaching 20–30 megatons, as was registered by seismic laboratories around the world. The cause of such a significant discrepancy in the power of the explosion remained unclear. The newsagency TASS put out an announcement that a compact hydrogen bomb had been tested in airburst conditions, but it later emerged that this was incorrect. After the tests, restricted zones were established in the area and secret work was carried out for some years.
Myths and Legends
Let us try to look into the distant past as it is reflected in epic poetry. As the legends passed on by word of mouth testify, in the remote period when everything began, the area was inhabited by a small number of Tungus nomads. Once upon a time, their distant neighbours saw that their land was suddenly wrapped in impenetrable darkness and the surroundings were shaken by a deafening roar. A hurricane of unseen force arose and the land was riven by mighty blows. Lightning crossed the sky in all directions. When everything calmed down and the darkness dispersed, an unprecedented sight met the nomads' eyes. In the midst of the scorched land, glowing in the sun stood a tall vertical structure that was visible at a distance of many days' journey.For a long time, the structure gave out unpleasant, ear-splitting noises and gradually diminished in height until it disappeared under the ground altogether. In place of the tall structure there was an immense, yawning, vertical "orifice". In the strange words of the legends, it consisted of three tiers of "laughing chasms". Its depths supposedly contained an underground country with its own sun that was, however, "waning". A choking stench rose from the orifice, and so no-one settled near it. From a distance, people could sometimes see a "rotating island" appear above the opening, and this then proved to be its "banging lid". Those who were tempted by curiosity to take a closer look never returned.
Centuries went by. Life went on as before. Nobody anticipated anything extraordinary, but one day a small earthquake occurred and the sky was pierced by a thin "fiery whirlwind". At the top of it, a dazzling fireball appeared. Accompanied by "a succession of four thunderclaps" and leaving behind a trail of fire, this sphere shot off along a shallow downward trajectory and, after vanishing beyond the horizon, exploded. The nomads were perturbed but did not abandon the lands that were home to them, since the "demon" had not caused them any harm but had exploded over the lands of the hostile neighbouring tribe. A few decades later, events repeated themselves: the fireball flew off in the same direction and again destroyed only their neighbours. Evidently this "demon" was in some way their protector and they began to create legends about it, calling it Niurgun Bootur, "the fiery champion".
But some time later, events occurred that horrified those in even the most distant surroundings. A gigantic fireball emerged from the opening with a deafening, thunderous roar and exploded—right overhead! A tremendous earthquake ensued. Some hills were cut across by a crack more than 100 metres deep. Following the explosion, a "fire-raging sea" continued to swash about with a disc-like "rotating island" above it. The effects of the explosion extended over a radius of more than a thousand kilometres. The nomadic tribes which survived on the edges of the area fled in different directions, seeking to distance themselves from the fatal spot, but that did save them from death. They all succumbed to some kind of strange illness that was passed on only by inheritance. Yet they left behind them precise accounts of what had taken place, on the basis of which Yakut storytellers began to compose beautiful, exceptionally tragic legends.
The fireball of Niurgun Bootur
A little over 600 years passed. Many generations of nomads had come and gone. The precepts of the remote ancestors had been forgotten and people again settled the area.Then history repeated itself… The fireball of Niurgun Bootur appeared above a fiery whirlwind and again flew off to explode beyond the horizon. A few decades later, a second fireball rent the air (now it was called Kiun Erbiie ("the gleaming aerial herald" or "messenger"). Then came another devastating explosion that the legends again anthropomorphised. It was given the name Uot Usumu Tong Duurai, which can be roughly translated as "the criminal stranger who pierced the earth and hid in the depths, destroying all around with a fiery whirlwind".
The most significant event in the legends was Tong Duurai bursting forth from the underground depths and doing battle with Niurgun Bootur. This took place roughly as follows: firstly, a snake-like, branching, fiery whirlwind burst forth from the "orifice", on the top of which there again appeared a fireball of gigantic size which, after several peals of thunder, shot high into the air. He was accompanied in flight by his retinue—"a swarm of fatally bloody whirlwinds" that wrought havoc in the vicinity.
But there were occasions when Tong Duurai encountered Niurgun Bootur above the place where he took off; and following these, the area remained lifeless for a long time. The picture painted of these events varies quite considerably: several "fiery champions" might emerge from the opening at once, fly some distance and explode in one place. This happened with the flight of Tong Duurai. A study of the soil layers indicates that the interval between explosions does not exceed 600–700 years.
The legends vividly reflect these events, but the absence of a written tradition means that they have not been registered in documentary form. It seems, though, that this lacuna is compensated for by the historical chronicles of other peoples.
The Chronicles of Other Peoples
Altogether, at approximate intervals of 600–700 years, several explosions or, rather, a whole complex of events including the precursors, took place. All these occurrences were painstakingly recorded in epic poetry, traditions and legends. It is a curious fact that similar legends arose in the equatorial zone of the planet, where explosions or "giant fireballs" that suddenly appeared in the sky destroyed several centres of ancient civilisations.Judging by the results of archaeological investigations carried out in the Upper Viliuy region by S. A. Fedoseyeva, the intermittent, wave-like settlement of this territory can be traced back roughly to the fourth millennium BC. In the first millennium AD, the line of historical development is interrupted—and this does not contradict the possible date for the last historical explosion as September 1380. The cloud it raised blotted out the Sun over Europe for several hours. In several geo-active zones, powerful earthquakes took place.
This event is recorded in written sources. In Russian chronicles, it coincided with the Battle of Kulikovo Field:
"…the gloom dispersed only in the second half of the day. A wind of such strength blew, that an arrow shot from a bow could not fly against it…"This factor made a positive contribution to the Russian victory.
However, the explosions are described in Tungus legends far more vividly than in other sources. Judging by the accounts, they were many times worse than modern nuclear weapons.
If we take 1380 as our starting date and go back into the past, we can trace such moments. In 830, for example, the culture of the Mayans who inhabited the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico was destroyed. Many of their cities were reduced to ruins by an explosion of monstrous force.
Some passages in the Bible are akin to the Yakut legends, e.g., the description of the plagues of Egypt and the demise of Sodom and Gomorrah. In one of the oases of the Arabian Peninsula, an ancient town was destroyed and literally reduced to ashes. According to legend, this took place when a huge fireball that appeared in the sky exploded.
At Mohenjo-daro on the Indian subcontinent, archaeologists discovered a devastated city. The marks of the catastrophe—melted stone walls—clearly pointed to an explosion comparable with a nuclear bomb. Similar events are also described in Chinese chronicles from the 14th century. They say that, far to the north, a black cloud rose above the horizon and covered half the sky, scattering large fragments of stone. Stones also dropped from the sky in Scandinavia and Germany, where fire broke out in several towns. Scholars established that they were quite ordinary stones, and conjectured that a volcano had erupted somewhere.
Perhaps the cause of these misfortunes was really Tong Duurai who has been bursting out from under the ground for many centuries? While Niurgun Bootur blotted out half of the sky at his appearance, Tong Duurai considerably exceeded him in size and, ascending into the heavens, completely disappeared from view.
We note that in the Valley of Death, a rise in the background radiation is observed at certain intervals of time—a phenomenon that specialists can't explain.
Tunguska Explosion
The total power of the explosion exceeded the combined power of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki more than 2,000 times over! Apart from that, the Tunguska explosion caused:
- an anomalous glow in the sky that was observed as late as 10 days afterwards, and the intense appearance of silvery clouds;
- massive radiation of light and heat;
- disruption of the normal functioning of meteorological instruments and the appearance of surface earth tremors;
- a tremendous sound wave that travelled twice around the globe;
- the felling of trees over an enormous area of over 2,000 square kilometres;
- weak traces of radioactivity, detected in tree samples and the polar ice layers dating from 1908;
- anomalous properties of the soil and minerals in the area of the Tunguska explosion;
- the unusually rapid growth of vegetation at the epicentre of the Tunguska explosion;
- cooling of the Earth's climate in the following few years.
More than that, one gets the persistent impression that we have come up against something completely outside the bounds of our customary understanding of the world about us. Perhaps today we are closer than ever before to a solution to the mystery that will become a turning point in the development of human consciousness. But it will require a certain boldness, the ability to look with an open mind untrammelled by the dogmas current in science in order to properly assess the most inexplicable episodes of the event.
A very, very long time ago, someone constructed in what is known as "the Valley of Death", a complex that still today is protecting the Earth from meteorites and asteroids. Of course, such a suggestion is staggering. It is hard even to contemplate such a possibility. It follows that for thousands of years, something existed alongside us that exceeds not only our current achievements but even our boldest fantasies about what might be achieved—and we failed to notice! Naturally, none of those who researched the various scientifically inexplicable consequences of the Tunguska catastrophe could have imagined that all the traces left by the explosions were the result of the activities of some ancient cosmic defence complex left by unknown builders!
Local Legends and the Shamans' Warnings
Here is one detail preserved in the ancestral memory of the local population, passed down through the millennia in an ancient epic poem. The legends passed on by word of mouth tell how this land was once suddenly wrapped in impenetrable darkness and the surroundings were shaken by a deafening roar. A hurricane of unseen force arose and the land was shaken by mighty blows.When everything had calmed down and the darkness had dispersed, an unprecedented sight met their eyes. In the midst of the scorched land, glowing in the sun stood a tall vertical structure that was visible at a distance of many days' journey. For a long period of time, the structure gave out unpleasant, ear-splitting noises and gradually diminished in height until it had disappeared under the ground altogether. In place of the tall structure there was an immense, yawning, vertical "orifice".
In the course of our exposition of the facts, we shall present several texts from the Olonkho which testify strongly in favour of the stated hypothesis because of the obvious technological nature of the events described in the ancient tales. It is surprising that the people who translated and analysed these texts did not notice or even suspect this.
Let us begin with a detailed reconstruction of events, trying to form an integral picture of what preceded and accompanied the 1908 catastrophe.
The first to learn of the coming calamity were the shamans of the native tribes. Two months before the explosion, rumours of the approaching "end of the world" began to spread across the taiga. Going from one settlement to another, the shamans warned the people of an imminent cataclysm. The people began to move their herds from the upper reaches of the Podkamennaya Tunguska to the Nizhniaya Tunguska and further, towards the River Lena.
The exodus of the Evenk began immediately after a suglan (gathering) of all the nomadic clans who moved around in close proximity, which took place in the month of Teliat (May). A secret conference of the elders had resolved that the cyclical course of their wanderings should be changed and that the clans should move close together along the new course.
Then there was a big ritual occasion at which the "Great Shaman" announced the "End of the World":
The ancestors said that they had to move from their traditional places. No one should be there after the month of Teliat in the month of Muchun [June], thus said the ancestors... The upper people want to visit Dulia... No one should see that.And so the nomads began to move across the taiga...
Obeying some inner sense and supporting, as it were, the pronouncements of the shamans, the wild animals began to leave. The birds flew from their nesting grounds, the swans left the lakes and the fish disappeared from the rivers. An immense expanse of taiga, measuring several tens of thousands of square kilometres, lost its fauna. Only those who did not believe the shamans' words remained in the danger zone.
All this speaks for itself. Obviously some early warning of the approaching event was given through the shamans who "spoke with the spirits of the ancestors". The animals, birds and fish reacted instinctively to the approaching danger, reacting to the negative influence of the Earth's increasing electromagnetic field in that part of the taiga.
After studying the texts of the Olonkho, talking with local hunters and those still alive who remember the distant events, we formed the impression that the complex in question is scattered across different parts of the taiga and located mainly underground.
The Installation's Power Plant
Destruction or deflection of meteorites and asteroids is achieved using a force field which is conveyed in concentrated form by some kind of electromagnetic formations that resemble glowing, fiery spheres. In essence, these are something like ball lightning, with the difference being that the largest ball lightning known to science is about two metres in diameter, whereas the spheres used to deflect or destroy meteorites are of gigantic dimensions—some 60 metres in diameter!It was their flight that was seen in 1908 by thousands of people across much of Siberia, with the result that the witnesses of the Tunguska event attributed the whole thing to the appearance of a series of huge ball lightning!
The "plasma spheres" are apparently generated by a power plant located deep inside the Earth at a site that was quite deliberately chosen by someone. It is associated with a geophysically distinctive area of the planet: the East Siberian magnetic anomaly. The periodical Tekhnika Molodiozhi (issue 1, 1984) called it "a magnetic super-anomaly, the source of which lies at a depth of half the Earth's radius". In other words, the power plant of the complex draws on the energy of the planet and is itself to some degree, it would seem, one of the causes of this super-anomaly.
Preparation for countering the approaching Tunguska meteorite (it was indeed a meteorite; Kulik was in a certain sense correct) began two months before the explosion, as is confirmed by the behaviour of the shamans and the fauna of the taiga. Roughly 10 days before the explosion, the "Installation" located in the Valley of Death shifted into an active phase. It was the activation of the power plant, and the increase in its energy level occasioned by the complex beginning its preparations for the generation of energy (electromagnetic spheres) acting upon the environment, that became the cause for the appearance of major atmospheric anomalies associated with increased tension in the Earth's electromagnetic field.
The effect of the Installation was so powerful that in the 10 days before the explosion, in many countries of Europe as well as western Siberia, the darkness of night was replaced by an unusual illumination as if those areas were experiencing the "white nights" phenomenon of high-latitude summers. Everywhere there appeared, shining brightly in the twilight of dawn and dusk, silvery clouds stretching east to west that formed along the lines of force, like those that occur between the poles of a magnet. There was a sense, as noted by E. Krinov, one of the researchers into the Tunguska explosion, of the approach of some unusual natural phenomenon.
Many years later, researchers from Tomsk came across a forgotten publication by a Professor Weber about a powerful geo-magnetic disturbance observed in a laboratory at Kiel University in Germany for three days before the intrusion of the Tunguska object, and which ended at the very hour when the gigantic bolide exploded above the Central Siberian Plateau.
Ten days passed and then, on the morning of 30 June 1908, a body from outer space entered the Earth's atmosphere at immense speed. It followed a trajectory from southeast to northwest. The determination of the exact trajectory of the meteorite plays an important role in the investigation of the event, primarily because—as we shall see—there were several objects moving in the sky above the Siberian taiga, approaching the explosion site from different sides. It was the discrepancies in the accounts of eyewitnesses—who at one and the same time observed objects above areas of Siberia far remote from one another, moving on different courses but towards a single point—that confused researchers, prompting the hypothesis that it was probably a spaceship that had been manoeuvring above the Siberian taiga.
Thirty-eight minutes before the destruction of the Tunguska meteorite, the Valley of Death complex moved into its culminating phase. The generation of the spheres—which, for the sake of convenience, we shall call "terminators"—began.
At the Stepanovsky mine (close to the town of Yuzhno-Eniseisk) an earthquake began 30 minutes before the fall of the meteorite.
One witness to these events was next to a small lake when the ground started to shake beneath his feet. Something like an earthquake began. Suddenly, down inside him, an inexplicable, inhuman sense of fear arose. It was as if some force was driving him away from the lake. At that moment, the water in the lake began to drop down, and as it flowed away, as if into a crack, the bottom appeared which was shifting apart like two leaves. Indentations could be seen on the edges of the two gigantic leaves. The witness was seized by an impulsive animal terror and fled as fast as his legs could carry him. After running a considerable distance, he tripped on a bush and fell; and when he got to his feet and looked back, he saw rising from what had been the lake a column of bright light, at the top of which appeared a ball. All this was accompanied by a terrible roaring and humming. His clothing began to smoulder, the radiation burnt his face and ears...
This episode concurs astonishingly well with the texts of the Olonkho epic and the tales old men tell of the place called Tong Duurai, across which the Ottoamokh ("holes in the ground") stream flows, where there are shafts of incredible depth known as "the laughing chasms". From these, the legends say, fiery whirlwinds fly. After a long period of silence, roughly a century before each major explosion or series of explosions there would be a smaller-scale event. The legends say that a thin column of fire emerged from the "iron orifice". At the top of this, a very large fireball appeared. It was escorted in flight by its retinue, "a swarm of fatally bloody whirlwinds" that wrought havoc in the vicinity. Accompanied by four claps of thunder in succession, it soared to an even greater height and flew off, leaving behind a long "trail of smoke and fire". Then a cannonade of its explosions sounded in the distance...
It is remarkable that Yakut legends contain so many references to explosions, fiery whirlwinds and the launch of flaming spheres disgorged by "an orifice belching smoke and fire" with a "banging steel lid", in the depths of which lies a whole subterranean country. It is inhabited by a fiery villain "who sows contagion and hurls a fiery ball"—the giant Uot Usumu Tong Duurai (which can be translated as "the criminal stranger who pierced the earth and hid in the depths, destroying all around with a fiery whirlwind").
Eyewitness Testimony
That is what the legends say, and this is the account of G. K. Kulesh, who was an observer at a weather station in Kirensk, about 460 kilometres from the site of the Tunguska explosion:On 30 June an unusual phenomenon was observed to the northwest of Kirensk that lasted roughly from 7.15 to 8 am. I did not see it myself, as I sat down to work after recording the reading of the meteorological instruments. This is what occurred (I give the gist of what those who witnessed it said).In the archives of the former Irkutsk Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory, investigators managed to find notes written by A. K. Kokorin, who was an observer at a weather station on the River Kezhma, about 600 km from the Tunguska explosion site. In his observation journal for June 1908, the section headed "Notes" contains an exceptionally important entry. It shows that there was certainly more than one body in the air at that time.
At 7.15 am, a fiery pillar appeared to the northwest, about four sagens [over 8 metres] in diameter in the shape of a spear. When the pillar disappeared, five strong brief bangs were heard, like cannon shots following quickly and distinctly one after another. Then a dense cloud appeared at that place. About 15 minutes later, the same sort of bangs were heard again; another 15 minutes later they were repeated. The ferryman, a former soldier and generally an intelligent, worldly-wise man, counted 14 bangs in three groups. His duties meant he was on the riverbank and saw and heard the whole phenomenon from start to finish. [author's emphasis in bold]
Many people saw the pillar of fire, but the bangs were heard by an even greater number. There were peasants in town from the village of Korelinaya that lies 20 versts [21 km] from Kirensk on the nearest Tunguska. They reported that they had had a powerful earth tremor such that window panes were broken in the houses...the mark on the barograph roll bears this out.
At 7 am, two fiery circles [spheres] of gigantic size appeared to the north; 4 minutes after appearing, the circles disappeared; soon after the disappearance of the fiery circles a loud noise was heard, similar to the sound of the wind, that went from north to south; the noise lasted about 5 minutes; then followed sounds and thundering, like shots from enormous guns, that made the windows rattle. Those shots continued for 2 minutes, and after them came a crack like a rifle-shot. These last sounds lasted 2 minutes. Everything took place in broad daylight.At that time, T. Naumenko was observing the flight of a sphere from the village of Kezhma which stands on the River Angara. He asserted that the body was larger than the Moon and crossed in front of the Sun, which at that time was at a height of 27º above the horizon. At that same moment, the Tunguska meteorite flew over the village of Mironovo (58º 14' N, 109º 29' E).
The first to see the flight of one of the "terminators" carrying a powerful electromagnetic charge were the inhabitants of the village of Alexandrovka (southern Altai territory), which is almost 1,500 kilometres away from the site of the explosion.
The account left by Ivan Nikanorovich Kudriavtsev, who witnessed the flight of the fiery sphere, contains details pointing to the electromagnetic nature of the "terminator":
...30 June 1908 was a clear day... I was sitting opposite a window looking NW. Our village, Alexandrovka, extended along a gorge... Across from the village on the Semi ridge rose the peak of Mount Gliaden. At 7 in the morning, the Sun had already risen but not yet appeared from behind Gliaden. And then suddenly a bright sphere appeared in the sky; it rapidly grew in size and brightness. It was flying towards the NW. The flying sphere was the size of the Moon, only brighter; not dazzlingly bright, though: you could watch its flight without looking away. It flew very quickly. The sphere left behind it on its course a white smoky trail wider than the sphere itself. As soon as this sphere appeared, the whole locality was lit up by some unnatural light and that light did not increase evenly, but with some sort of fluctuations, wave-like flashes. There was no noise, no roar accompanying the sphere's flight, but the unnatural fluctuating light inspired some sort of fear, anxiety... [author's emphasis]Ye. Sarychev, questioned by D. F. Landsberg in Kansk on 11 October 1921, said:
With the start of the noise a sort of glow appeared in the air, round in shape, about half the size of the Moon, with a bluish tinge, flying rapidly in a direction from Filimonovo towards Irkutsk. The glow left a trail in the form of a pale bluish stripe that extended almost the full length of its course, then gradually vanished from the end. The glow hid itself behind the mountain without breaking up. I was unable to note the duration of the phenomenon, but it was very short. The weather was absolutely clear and it was still.At that same time, the flight of a heavenly body was observed in the south of the Krasnoyarsk territory, 60 km north of Minusinsk, 930 km from the site of the explosion, but moving along a different trajectory. Roughly at the same time, an object was seen in the region of the Nizhneye-Ilimskoye settlement, 418 km from the explosion site. And then, it has been reliably established, a heavenly body flew over the village of Preobrazhenka, which is on the Nizhniaya (Lower) Tunguska River. And all these objects were flying in the same direction—towards one destination: the Shishkov and Kulik blast areas and Voronov's crater!
The picture that forms from eyewitness accounts clearly shows that the objects observed from various parts of the taiga could not have been meteorites. There were many of them and they followed different trajectories, but towards a single point. Amazingly, the scientists and researchers who so carefully questioned numerous witnesses were unable to spot in their accounts any difference between the behaviour of the meteorite and that of the "terminator spheres" that closed in large numbers from different directions in order to destroy it. It is a well known fact that the flight of a meteorite through the atmosphere is always very short (a matter of seconds) and very fast (between 6 and 22 km per second), at an angle to the Earth's surface along a straight trajectory, leaving a trail of fire and smoke that extends for 200 to 300 km and takes some tens of minutes to disperse.
The reports of researchers and explanations of scientists speak of a single Tunguska object. Yet the eyewitness accounts of the event itself and the evidence gathered by researchers stubbornly indicate that there were several objects in the sky, following different trajectories from different directions, but most significantly moving slowly, parallel to the Earth's surface, sometimes stopping, changing course and speed—in other words, manoeuvring—which entirely excludes the suggestion that the objects seen were comets or meteorites. Meteorites and comets do not fly like that!
Thousands of Observers
Thousands of observers could not have mistaken what they saw, as the sky was cloudless that morning. People living within a radius of over 800 km from the place where the cosmic intruder fell observed the unusual flight of enormous fiery bodies giving off sparks and leaving rainbow trails behind them. The most important point, though, is that they did not all see one and the same object, but different "terminator spheres" that varied in appearance and behaviour.After the "terminators" were created and disgorged through the Installation's shafts, they began moving to some control point—the place of their last reconnaissance before the destruction of the meteorite. At a certain stage in their flight, the spheres stopped to adjust their position in respect to the falling meteorite and then, tearing off at enormous speed and with a terrible roaring, rushed to meet it.
Below is an extract from the account of a witness who lived in the village of Moga on the Nizhniaya Tunguska, 300 km east of the site of the explosion. It was quoted in Yury Sbitnev's book Echo and speaks for itself.
...I remember that time well—I was eleven then. I got up quite early... It was clear and cloudless... Our house was here, where it still stands, on a hill. I was hammering the scythe.Judging by the details of this account, the narrator was very close to a place where a "terminator sphere" had been generated; in other words, in the immediate proximity of one of the pillars of energy (fiery whirlwinds) delivering the "terminator" to the surface.
There I was hitting the scythe, but the sound seemed to come from elsewhere. I froze and as I listened, a real din started. The sky was clear as can be, not a cloud in sight. There were no planes or helicopters back then, of course. It was only later we became familiar with them. But there was this din. It wasn't like a thunderstorm. And it kept building up, rumbling louder...
Suddenly a second sun rolled into the sky. "Ours", that's to say, was beating down on the back of my head, and this one was in my eyes. I couldn't look; everything went black. I shot into the house and that new sun shone in through this window here and moved across the stove like this...
The house stood, like the majority of Russian houses on the northern rivers, with its windows looking east and south. One little window faced northwest and this "sun" was shining through it, colouring the white wall of the big Russian stove crimson. This glow moved from right to left, towards the east. And there was ordinary sunlight coming through the other windows and onto the other wall of the stove.
I looked at the sun blazing down on the stove through that window and my jaw dropped. I had never seen anything like it. And the noise kept on rumbling. There was no relief. My grandfather sat on the stove and began chanting a prayer out loud. He chanted and told me, "Stiopa, let's pray! All of you pray! It's happened... It's come..." [The shamans had warned people about the end of the world.]
What praying? I wanted to run somewhere and there was nowhere. The noise was all around. And a fiery ball was coming at us. It kept creeping across the stove... And then it stopped...
The fiery sphere that appeared in a clear, cloudless sky approached the earth with a growing rumble. It grew as you watched, blazed and became so full of powerful fiery light that it was impossible to look at it. At some elusive instant, the terrible rumbling turned into an incessant roar and the sphere stopped moving, hanging above the ground, like the Sun hangs above the horizon just before sunset. It is hard to establish the length of time it stopped, but the fiery sphere stayed motionless long enough for its immobility to impress itself upon an astounded human mind.
I was afraid to look out of the window, but on the stove I could see that it had stopped. Then suddenly it gave such a burst of speed, flashed across the stove and was gone. The thundering noise was awful. The earth shook. I was knocked to the floor and the glass from the little window was scattered about as if someone had pushed it in... I wasn't down on the floor for long. I jumped up, thinking, "Where's Grandpa? Don't say he's been knocked off!" He was lying on his stomach on the very edge of the stove and kept asking me, "Stiopa, what is it? Stiopa, what is it?" He was wet and white, white... I think the ground was still shaking, the floor shifted under my feet, or perhaps my legs were trembling. It was dreadful!
...Nobody could understand where it had got to, that sun. It had been shining just a moment before. And so strong that the shadows disappeared instantly. And the light, clashing with light, stripped the world of its familiar, pleasant shapes. Everything, from the smallest blade of grass to the cedar tree, suddenly seemed different from how it had always been. Colours vanished; so did the usual three-dimensionality of the world, warmth, tenderness. Our world had gone...
The account recorded by Sbytnev includes this important element:
Someone saw a fiery pillar as well going down from that fireball, and for an instant there appeared a sort of huge tree with a round, fiery crown. Someone noticed that this raging bundle of light spat out, as it were, one more ball that tore earthwards. Others, though, insisted there had been no second ball, but that blaze, that sun, itself hurled itself down slantwise.
Many saw it and there were many different versions. But everyone was agreed that the movement of that mysterious fiery body stopped and it hung motionless for a time above the ground. And there was a roaring... And then there was something like an explosion—the ground shaking and a rapid movement away, taking off, and the same rumbling, but now dying down, and the fading of the raging fire—less and less, until you could barely make it out in the vast white expanse of sky. Then it was gone and the thunder dropped, lessened and disappeared altogether... It was there—and flew away... [author's emphasis in bold]
The Olonkho Epic
Scattering a blizzard of stone,A careful study of the Olonkho prompts an important conclusion. Some elements of the epos describe a pattern that precisely reflects the phases in the development of events that periodically occur above the Siberian tundra. It becomes clear why the Olonkho texts contain such amazing echoes of the eyewitness accounts. Here are some more lines from the Olonkho:
Causing lightning to flash,
Causing a four-fold thunder to crash
Behind him,
Niurgun Bootur flew unswerving...
At a distance of three days' journeyAt different times this scenario has been witnessed by thousands of people. Among the more interesting accounts of this nature is a report by the Dutch Ambassador, Baron de Bij, which I. V. Bogatyrev found in the State Naval Archive of the USSR:
You can see the smoke rising,
Spreading out above like a mushroom.
The land around grew covered
With dust and ash.
The smoke swirled,
Thick and black,
Rose to the sky in a dark cloud,
Obscuring the sunlight.
On 2 (13) April 1716, on the second day after the Easter festival, around 9 in the evening there appeared in a pure, cloudless sky a most brilliant meteor, the gradual development of which is attached hereto.
In the northeastern part of the sky there rose first from the horizon a very dense cloud, pointed towards the top and broad at the base. It rose so quickly that in no more than three minutes it reached half the height to the zenith.
At the very moment when the dark cloud appeared, in the northwest there appeared a huge shining comet that rose to 12º above the horizon, and then from the north another dark cloud arose, from the west, rapidly rising to the cloud that approached it somewhat slower. Between these two clouds in the northeast a bright light formed in the shape of a column, that for several minutes did not change its position, while the cloud that appeared from the west moved to meet it with exceptional speed and collided with the other cloud with such terrible force that [there was] a broad flame in the sky from their collision and [this] was accompanied by smoke, while the glow extended from the northeast right to the west. The real smoke ascended to 20º above the horizon, while the rays of flame intersected it constantly in all directions, just as if there was a battle taking place between many navies and armies.
This prodigy continued for a full quarter of an hour in its most dazzling form and then began to dim little by little and finished with the appearance of a host of bright arrows that reached to 80º above the horizon. The cloud that had appeared in the east dispersed. After it, the other vanished completely, so that by 10 in the evening the sky had again become clear and shone with glistening stars.
One cannot imagine how terrifying this phenomenon was at the moment when the two clouds collided, when they both shattered, as it were, from the mighty blow, and when they were also accompanied with exceptional speed by a host of small clouds headed westwards. The flame that flew from them was like claps of thunder, exceptionally bright and dazzling.
High-Tech Genius behind the Installation
Analysing the consequences of the explosions that have taken place above the Siberian taiga in the past 100 years, you get a heart-wrenching sense of gratitude and awe towards the intellectual power of those who, thousands of years ago, built a complex to defend our beautiful blue planet and all her inhabitants. Even the first blow, struck when a meteorite is still many kilometres above the Earth, causes enough of a deflection in its flight path to shift all that subsequently occurs, and all the consequences of the explosions that destroy the meteorite take place away from densely populated places to a less dangerous area!Let us return to 30 June 1908 and view all that took place through the eyes of witnesses. The whole observed event developed according to roughly this pattern. Around 7.15 am, the meteorite was moving on a trajectory from southeast to northwest. In Preobrazhenka, I. M. Volozhin saw moving across the sky "a belt of smoke with fire flashing from it". That was the meteorite hurtling down to Earth.
1. The Generation and Release of the "Terminator Spheres"
People in the area of Kirensk reported:...a fiery pillar appeared to the northwest, about four sagens [approx. 6 metres] in diameter in the shape of a spear. When the pillar disappeared, five strong brief bangs were heard, like cannon-shots following quickly and distinctly one after another…From the Teteria trading post, "pillars of fire" were seen in the north. "Pillars of fire" were also observed in other places (Kezhma, Nizhne-Ilimsk, Vitim) that do not lie on a single line.
2. A Red Glow during the Generation of the Spheres before the Explosion
The emergence of the terminators at the surface is the most energy-intensive phase, causing the "energy pillars" and "terminators" to give off a bright white light, like that produced in welding. The intensity of the light was such that observers got the impression that everything had faded or grown dark. Then, after the emergence of a "terminator", the energy level of the process changed (decreased) so that the "energy pillars" and "terminators" turned red, lighting up the area of the coming explosion. Maxim Kainachenok, a 50-year-old Evenk questioned in Vanavara, said:...My parents had stopped on the Segochamba. There the earth shook and there was thunder. At first the redness appeared, and then thunder. The redness was away from Vanavara. At the moment the meteorite fell, Uncle Axenov went out to look after the reindeer and he said that, first, everything above the site of the explosion went black, then red, and after that they heard thunder...Anna Yelkina, a 75-year-old Evenk woman living in Vanavara, confirmed this:
Early, early in the morning...a little higher than the sun, there was a crash of thunder. High, high up. The whole sky was red, and not just the sky: everything around was red—the earth and the sky. Then there was a mighty thundering. A sound like a bell, like people beating a piece of iron. The thunder went on about half an hour...
3. The Flights of the "Terminators"
Immediately after the appearance of the pillars of light (energy), there appeared in the sky shining "terminator spheres" that began flying towards the explosion site. Like many thousands of others who were questioned, N. Ponomarev from the village of Nizhne-Ilimsk reported:At 7.20 am, a loud noise was heard near Nizhne-Ilimsk that turned into peals of thunder... Some of the houses shook from the blows. Many of the inhabitants saw that before the thunder crashed, "some fiery body looking like a log" hurtled rapidly above the ground from the south to the northwest. Immediately after that there came the crash; and at the place where the fiery body had vanished, "fire" appeared, and then "smoke"...K. A. Kokorin, an inhabitant of the village of Kezhma, who was questioned by Ye. L. Krinov in 1930, said:
Three or four days before St Peter's day, around 8 in the morning, no later, I heard sounds like cannon-fire. I immediately ran out into the yard that is open to the southwest and west. At that time the sounds were still going on and I saw to the southwest, at roughly half the height between the zenith and the horizon, a red sphere flying; rainbow stripes were visible to the sides and behind it.At that same time in Kirensk, people were watching a fiery-red ball to the northwest, moving horizontally according to some accounts, dropping steeply according to others. By the Mursky Rapids (close to the village of Boguchany) there was a flash of bluish light, and a fiery body, considerably larger than the sun, hurtled from the south leaving a broad, bright trail…
4. The Interception of the Meteorite
The interception of the meteorite was accomplished by a "terminator" striking it from above to reduce its original speed sharply. This released a colossal amount of energy that, combined with the energy of the "terminator", literally melted the substance of the meteorite.In the correspondent's report by S. Kulesh, published in the Irkutsk-based newspaper Sibir on 2 July (old style) 1908, we read:
On the morning of 17 (30) June in the village of Nizhne-Kerelinskoye (some 200 versts [215 km] north of Kirensk) the peasants saw to the north-west, quite high above the horizon, some body glowing with a bluish-white light of exceptional strength (you could not keep your eyes on it), moving downwards for ten minutes... Having approached the ground (forest), the glowing body seemed to melt. An immense cloud of black smoke formed in its place and an exceptionally loud noise (not thunder) was heard, as if of falling stones or cannon-fire. All the buildings shook. At the same time, flame of indeterminate shape began to burst from the cloud...Here is the account of S. B. Semionov, who was in the village of Vanavara, 100 kilometres from the disaster site:
...Suddenly, to the north, the sky spilt apart and in it fire appeared, broad and high above the trees, encompassing the whole northern part of the sky. At that point I felt as hot as if my shirt had caught fire on me. I wanted to shout out and tear my shirt off, but at that moment [the sky] slammed shut and there was a tremendous bang. I was hurled about three sagens across the ground. At the moment when the sky opened, past the houses tore a hot wind, as if from a cannon, leaving marks on the ground in the form of tracks and damaging the full-grown onions. Then it turned out that many panes had been broken in the windows and the iron hasp on the barn door was broken...P. P. Kosolapov, who was right by Semionov at the time, felt his ears burning, although he did not notice any light phenomena. Fifty kilometres from the explosion site, people's clothing smouldered from the unbearable heat that suddenly flooded over them from somewhere in the cold taiga. Sixty kilometres away, no-one could keep on their feet. Six hundred kilometres away, the flash outshone the sun.
Compensatory Explosive Forces
The local inhabitants questioned by scientists investigating the Tunguska explosion asserted that an instant before the terrible flash, in places trees, yurts (nomadic dwellings) and sections of soil from the hills were swept into the air, while in the rivers the waves ran against the current. These observations are a direct indication that what took place was a vacuum implosion, sucking everything towards its centre, while at the same time it had a component operating in the opposite direction, since the trees at the epicentres of the blasts fell outwards from the centre. This difference in directions points to the use of a technology for compensating explosive forces! The testimony of a number of witnesses builds into a picture of a well-ordered distribution of pressure from the blast wave.The research materials and interviews contain a considerable number of facts that specialists have failed to note—indications, for example, that the jolts, noise and flash that accompanied the explosions were described by witnesses either as terrible or as insignificant (barely noticeable), although the settlements and people from whom we have these accounts were only a small distance apart.
Diagram from the periodical Tekhnika i Molodezh (no. 1, 1984), showing the location of witnesses and the trajectories of "terminator spheres" taken for the meteorite as reported to researchers Suslov (1), Astapovich (2), Krinov (3), Konenkin (4) and Fast (6). Number 5 indicates the trajectory determined by the expeditions that visited the blast site on the basis of the direction of the fallen trees.
In other words, the main blast wave of the explosion was somehow compensated in such a way that the fewest people suffered, although it proved impossible to avoid casualties among animals (thousands of reindeer perished) and people. Not everyone had heeded the shamans' warnings and left the danger area.
This was not the first time that the researchers had come across the use of a technology for compensating explosive forces. The processes and consequences of the Tunguska explosion bear a certain similarity to the explosion that took place on 12 April 1991 in Sasovo, some 500 kilometres south of Moscow. Detailed research has shown that in both cases the main force of the blast wave and the consequences of explosions of tremendous scale and power were shifted into a different space (dimension)!
A specific indicator of the use of the technology for compensating explosive forces is a characteristic sound preceding and completing the stage of the main blast. In both the Tunguska and Sasovo explosions (the latter left a gigantic crater, 28 x 3.5 metres, right in the centre of the town), the crash of the explosion itself was preceded and then turned again into a sound that a witness to the Tunguska explosion described as "similar to the sound of the wind, that went from north to south". Others spoke of it as being like the noise a three-inch shell makes in the air. Note that this sound preceded the explosion and then reappeared after it—a sound as if something was flying away from the disaster site. In the Sasovo incident, witnesses described the effect as the sound of a jet aircraft falling or flying away!
Here is the account of a woman named Nikitina who worked at the Sasovo railroad station:
Suddenly there was a growing roar; the walls of the lookout tower, where I was at the time, shook. Then came an explosion of monstrous force. The window panes fell shattered to the floor...Witnesses describe a noise then going away from them.
Overall, we get the following sequence of events:
- a growing roar (noise);
- a powerful explosion;
- a bang like an aircraft going through the sound barrier and a diminishing roar (a noise like a jet flying away from the observer).
The first blow was struck downwards on the Tunguska meteorite by a terminator that had been awaiting it and caught the meteorite at a height of about 10,000 metres. The explosion was accompanied by a blinding flash that caused radiation burns to vegetation and a fire in a zone 25 kilometres in radius.
The first blow was struck downwards on the Tunguska meteorite by a terminator that had been awaiting it and caught the meteorite at a height of about 10,000 metres. The explosion was accompanied by a blinding flash that caused radiation burns to vegetation and a fire in a zone 25 kilometres in radius.
Time-space Distortions
The gigantic electromagnetic discharge that occurred at the moment of this terminator's impact caused a remagnetisation of the soils, producing an extremely strong effect on the environment and the space-time structure of the blast site—leading to a change in the flow of physical time that, decades later, was observed by scientific expeditions in the area. The distortion of time-space by means of a powerful electromagnetic discharge is a component of the compensatory technology!If we take into account the use of this same electromagnetic field by UFOs to distort the structure of time-space in order to shift into different dimensions, then various characteristic features of the accounts given by Tunguska witnesses enable us to take a new look at the events in question, revealing fascinating details that have hitherto escaped the attention of researchers.
Here is the story of Ivan Kurkagyr, the son of a Tunguska witness. It contains a curious account of how, at the moment of the blast—a powerful electromagnetic discharge that caused a distortion of shape—some people and animals were instantaneously shifted to different places. In other words, they were transferred in space!
…Many tents stood together. In the morning, thunder could be heard. An incredibly noisy storm broke. It smashed the tents, carried people through the air. People found themselves away in the marsh. They could not they had been taken over there. The storm that set fire to the taiga also consumed their reindeer. Fire spread. One man's tent stood there. This fellow wanted to go home. He had money in his tursuk [felt bag]. Seeing the fire, he dashed to take the money. He ran to the river, towards the tents. The fire was eating the tents [of his neighbours]. The people threw themselves into the river. The fire passed across the water. Those in the river caught alight. They dived, but the fire set alight even the divers, burning their heads. In that way they all died...There is one more indicator of a powerful effect on the time-space structure in the blast area. At the moment of the explosion, the sky somehow opened and people could see outer space—the starry firmament—beyond!
A. S. Kosolapova, the daughter of S. B. Semionov, said when questioned by Krinov in 1930:
I was 19 years old and at the time of the meteorite fall I was at the Vanavara trading post. Marfa Briukhanova and I had gone to the spring for water. Marfa began drawing water and I stood by her, facing north. At that moment, I saw in front of me to the north the sky open to the very earth and a burst of fire. We were scared and I only managed to say, "Why has the sky opened in daytime? I've heard of the sky opening at night, but never during the day", when the sky closed again and after that we heard bangs, like shots...At the time of the first strike, several terminator spheres were waiting in the area, hanging in one place and searing the tops of the trees and other vegetation with their high-frequency energy. In these final minutes before the culminating event, several more terminators rushed to the area (which was later named after Kulik).
Many who saw the fiery spheres fly across the sky said that their movement was accompanied by a dazzlingly bright light and strong heat radiation. Note how this event appeared to the admiring teller of the Olonkho:
Kiun ErbiieIt is a remarkable fact that "the bounds of the western yellow skies" means precisely the area of the Podkamennaya Tunguska!
Uncatchable in flight,
The fast herald—messenger of the heavenly Dyesegei,
Glittering in his mail,
Flying faster than the lightning bolts,
Kium Erbiie the champion.
He flew,
A falling star,
Only the air whistled behind him...
He flew like an arrow
Beyond the bounds
Of the western yellow skies,
To the lower steep slope
Of the heavens hanging above the abyss.
He flew at a height—
Only the thunder pealed…
A blue fire blazed behind him,
A white fire raged in his wake,
Red sparks hovered in a swarm,
A glow flared in the clouds...
Meteorite Fragments
In order to picture the subsequent course of events, you need to have a precise idea of the relationships between the height of the first explosion (10,000 metres above the ground), the size of the areas of uprooted trees (many times larger than height) and the distance (hundreds of kilometres) that the pieces of the fragmented meteorite flew. (The interval between the explosions is the time taken for the remnants to fly from one blast area to another.)Above the Shishkov blast area, the meteorite had broken into several parts. The fragments scattered in different directions, but terminator spheres bearing down from different sides caught and destroyed them. This is the reason why, on the one hand, in the areas of uprooted trees researchers have found several epicentres marked by trunks felled in different directions, while, on the other hand, all the witnesses spoke of hearing first a terribly powerful explosion (the fragmentation) and then, over the course of five to six minutes, something like an artillery cannonade (the "mopping-up" of the small pieces).
After the terminator hit the meteorite above the Shishkov site, large pieces of the surviving meteorite substance continued by inertia to move along the original trajectory to the area of the Kulik blast site. Having lost speed and energy, the fragments covered the distance of 120 to 150 kilometres in about 15 minutes (the speed of a jet aircraft), after which there was a second powerful explosion. The terminators that flew into this area struck the fragments coming from the Shishkov site.
Yegor Ankudinov, an inhabitant of the village of Berezovo in Nizhne-Ilimsk district, Irkutsk region, was with his father and uncle at the time, felling pines in the forest to make a house. He recalled:
It was a beautiful day. We had just had breakfast and begun cutting wood. Suddenly there was a bang from somewhere close by. The ground started shaking and dry branches fell off the trees. Then, a little later, there was another thunderclap: the same, only far, far away, somewhere off to the north...The Krasnoyarets newspaper of 13 July 1908 reported:
Kezhemskoye village. On 17th (30th) at 7 am, a noise was heard as if a strong wind was blowing. Immediately afterwards there was a terrible bang, accompanied by an earth tremor that caused the buildings to literally shake and giving the impression that the building had been delivered a powerful blow by some huge log or heavy stone. The first blow was followed by a second, equally strong, then a third. In the interval between the first and second there was an unusual subterranean rumbling, like the sound rails might make if 10 trains were running on them at once. Then for 5–6 minutes there was something exactly like artillery fire: some 50–60 bangs at short, almost identical, intervals. Gradually the last bangs grew weaker. One and a half or two minutes after the end of the continuous "firing", six more bangs were heard, one after another, resembling distant cannon-shots but still distinctly audible and tangible by the shaking of the ground...The gigantic plasma spheres crashed into the meteorite fragments, releasing a colossal amount of energy in order to destroy the cosmic intruder with all its contents. When we came to assess the probability of a large number of small fragments being produced by the smashing of the meteorite, the suggestion was put forward that the terminators' electromagnetic charge possessed a specific property. The vector (charge) of a terminator's magnetic field forced all the small remnants to become magnetically attached to it, and then everything was destroyed by the energy of the next explosion.
The direction of the fallen tree trunks at the epicentre of the explosion.
Take this eyewitness account. On the morning of 30 June, the brothers Chuchancha and Chekaren from the Shaniagir clan were sleeping in their tent which was pitched alongside the River Avarkitty. They were awoken by powerful tremors and a loud whistling of the wind:
Chekaren and I climbed out of our bags and were on the point of scrambling out of the tent, when suddenly there was a very powerful thunderclap. That was the first bang. The ground began jumping and shaking; a mighty wind struck our tent and knocked it over… Then I saw a terrible wonder: the trunks of the trees falling, the needles burning on them, the dry brushwood burning, the reindeer moss burning. There was smoke everywhere; our eyes were sore. It was very hot, hot enough to burn to death. Suddenly, above the hill where the forest had already fallen, it became very bright if another sun had hurt your eyes and I even closed mine. And immediately there was a mighty thunderclap. That was the second bang. It was a sunny morning, cloudless. Our sun was shining brightly, as always, and here this second sun appeared!Later researchers noted that the closer they got to the epicentre, the more trees they found which had been struck by lightning. At the epicentre, there are places where 80 per cent of the trees have suffered lightning strikes. This is also confirmed by the discoveries made by scientists from Novosibirsk who proved that the initial uprooting of trees was caused by a radial blast. They concluded that a body had exploded whose linear dimensions were no more than a few dozen metres and that it was only subsequent explosions that muddied the picture of the original radial event.
After that we saw, apparently somewhere up above but in a different place, there was another flash and again a mighty crash. That was the third bang. A wind struck us, knocked us off our feet, struck the felled tree trunks.
We watched the falling trees, saw how their tops broke and looked at the fire. Suddenly Chekaren shouted, "Look up!" and pointed. I looked and saw a bolt of lightning. It flashed and again struck, making a great thunderclap. But the crash was a little less than before. That was the fourth bang, like ordinary thunder... Now it's come back to me that there was one more bang, a fifth, but it was little and somewhere far off...
The bulk of the Tunguska meteorite was destroyed above the Kulik site, but one piece "escaped" and flew on another 120 kilometres before falling to earth. The methodical destruction of everything that belonged to the meteorite would suggest it was carrying some sort of bacteria or viruses dangerous to life on Earth. Therefore, one of the terminators plunged into the ground, and on the ground finished off the remnants of the Tunguska meteorite, causing a powerful earthquake. The result was a gigantic crater at the final landing place of the meteorite—a hole 200 metres in diameter and 20 metres deep, which was later named "Voronov's crater".
Vakulin, the head of the Nizhne-Ilimsk postal department, reported in a letter dated 28 July 1908:
On Tuesday 17 June, around 8 am (clocks not checked), according to a large number of local inhabitants they first noticed to the northwest a fireball descending at an angle to the horizon from east to west, which as it approached the ground turned into a pillar of fire and instantly vanished. After its disappearance, a cloud of smoke could be seen rising from the ground in that direction.Some witnesses stated that the bang made people fall down; many lost consciousness and did not recover it for days. The blast knocked horses to their knees, but they did not bolt—indicating that the animals were badly scared. In some places, cracks appeared in the ground.
After a few minutes, there was a loud noise in the air with distant dull reports like peals of thunder. These bangs were followed by eight loud bangs, like artillery shots. The very last bang was accompanied by a whistling and was especially powerful, causing the ground and buildings to shake...
Further support for the idea that the destroyed meteorite was carrying dangerous micro-organisms is the evidence that after its destruction the Installation scanned the Earth's surface for remnants of meteorite matter. The dazed witnesses reported observing terminators flying above the crash site until the evening of 30 June! These terminator spheres—or "secondary meteors", as they have been interpreted by researchers—were seen by about half of all observers.
Microspherules From The Tunguska Explosion
Indirectly pointing in the same direction is the chemical composition of the microspherules found in the peat at the disaster site. These are unusual for meteoroids and are particularly rich in alkaline elements. Reasoning about the mechanism by which the terminators operate, we can assume that with their powerful electromagnetic charge they were supposed to attach themselves to a flying meteorite and alter its trajectory so that it passed out of the Earth's atmosphere. If the meteorite's trajectory was such as to make deflection impossible, the terminators simply destroyed the rocky splinters—literally melting the meteoritic substance, which subsequently hardened into tiny spherules.Numerous soil samples taken at different distances from the destruction site have yielded magnetite spherules containing up to 10% nickel, which supports the idea that they came from space. Besides magnetite, silicate spheres have also been found. They range in size from 5 to 400 microns. The magnetite particles display a great variety of shapes and different surface characteristics. Besides the predominantly spherical formations, one can also find drop-shaped particles that were produced by the spattering of molten meteoritic substance under the influence of the colossal temperatures produced by the actions of the terminators. Some spherules have a shiny surface; others have a matte, grainy and even finely porous surface, which is due in part to the meteoritic substance vaporising when the matter was viscous. Often the spheres are hollow with a slag-like look to the inside. Sometimes one comes across conglomerations of magnetite and silicate spheres, indicating that they were formed at the same time and pointing to the complex composition of the Tunguska meteorite associated with the genesis of these spherules.
Work carried out in 1961–62 established that there is a certain pattern to the distribution of these spherules on the surface. The greatest concentration of them is found in a strip 50 to 60 kilometres wide, extending northwestwards from the epicentre of the meteorite explosion and which can be traced for over 250 kilometres.
In the disaster region, covering an area with a radius of about 130 kilometres from its centre at the Kulik site, there are three identifiable zones of peat enriched with microspherules. The first, with a thin sickle shape, curves around the epicentre. The second reflects the movement of the bolide in the region of zones 4 and 5, to the east and northeast of the Kulik site in the upper reaches of the Southern Chunia River and thus coincides with the start of the disintegration of the meteorite. The third zone, very large and amorphous, is located precisely in the region of Voronov's crater. It is no coincidence that the microspherules in this area display certain peculiarities of structure and formation that set them apart from those in the other zones, as the destruction of the meteorite took place directly in the ground and so material from the soil became mixed with meteoritic matter during vaporisation.
The bolide was completely vaporised by the explosion, and the products of that process were scattered in the form of extremely fine spheres over an area of 15,000 square kilometres. Their combined mass is estimated at around 10 tonnes. It is for this reason that all the expeditions that visited the area of the explosion found nothing of the meteorite itself, apart from a dusting of silicate and magnetite spherules that the blast wave spread across the entire Earth.
The Olonkho epic and surviving legends tell us that several decades after the epic flight of Niurgun Bootur, Kiun Erbiie ("the gleaming aerial messenger") took to the air, heralding the appearance of Uot Usumu Tong Duurai. This suggests that the Tunguska explosion is identified as Niurgun Bootur.
The 1984 Chulym Explosion
Decades passed, and then on 26 February 1984 a meteor crossed the sky of western and eastern Siberia at a height of roughly 100 kilometres, precisely following the trajectory of the 1908 Tunguska body. At that time, passengers in a bus observed from an elevated section of the Mirny highway far to the north a thin "pillar of fire" extending from the ground to the sky that then began to undergo various geometrical metamorphoses. The sight lasted several minutes. It was red in colour.Fishermen in the area of the River Chona observed rising into the air from the hills to the north (the "Valley of Death" region) two enormous, shining spheres that, gradually picking up speed, soared vertically upwards and disappeared behind the clouds. The whole event took several minutes, after which time the clouds continued to glow for a while. Then, without reaching the ground, the bolide exploded in a shower of sparks in the area of the River Chulym.
An expedition dispatched to that area found, as with the Tunguska event, no traces of meteoritic material apart from magnetite and silicate spherules. They discovered no large-scale uprooting of trees, as the explosion took place at great height.
To all appearances, this was Kiun Erbiie, the herald of Uot Usumu Tong Duurai, and so by the start of the new millennium the researchers were in a fervour of expectation.
The 2002 Vitim Meteorite
If the ancient legends are to be believed, the emergence of Uot Usumu Tong Duurai is always accompanied by terrible destruction. Expeditions to the Valley of Death area planned for the end of the 20th century and the beginning of this century were postponed several times on account of reports from Siberia of animals migrating away from their intended destination. The researchers took the exodus of fauna as a direct indication of the complex's energy plant having entered another active phase.What the researchers both awaited and feared, because of the highly unpleasant forecast contained in the Olonkho, took place in September 2002. The first report of the flight of a space body came from the American military. Drawing on data received from a military satellite, the US Department of Defense distributed information about a large meteorite falling in the area of Bodaibo in the Irkutsk region of Russia. The satellite recorded the appearance of a shining object at a height of 62 kilometres, moving at an angle of 32 degrees to the horizon. Observation continued to the point where a powerful explosion took place at a height of 30 kilometres. Preliminary calculations put the power of the explosion at an equivalent of 200 tonnes of TNT.
The first interviews with witnesses to the Vitim meteorite explosion pointed to a parallel with the Tunguska event in terms of phases of development. Despite the fact that the night of 24–25 September 2002 was overcast—a low 10% cloud cover with rain, the lower edge of the clouds being at 1,100 to 1,200 metres—there was no difficulty in establishing the sequence of events and spotting the obvious similarity to the Tunguska event.
In this case, everything followed the already familiar pattern and began with the exodus of fauna. Hunters questioned reported that animals left the area shortly before the Vitim explosion.
Thirty minutes before the explosion, the energy complex began to enter its most active phase. It is noteworthy that one of the witnesses questioned noticed that his dog became agitated and began to whine half an hour before the explosion!
The Energy Pillar and the Red Glow
A few minutes before the first explosion, the complex began to disgorge the "terminators". Here are some eyewitness accounts.Yevgeny Yarygin was on duty at the electrical distribution centre in the settlement of Muskovit:
...I was on duty in the switchboard room whose window faces south. The weather was cloudy, rainy, and it was drizzling. We were sitting and chatting. A glow appeared outside the window. Shadows appeared. The light was coming from the window. Through the windows we could see a bright hemispherical glow beginning to rise from behind the hills to the southeast [at a bearing of roughly 160–170 degrees; VU]. The light was white, like you get in welding. The white light seemed to rise upwards and behind it the light began to shift into the red and maroon [a red pillar was seen by the bus passengers before the Chulym explosion, and also by witnesses to the Tunguska explosion—VU]. Little "rays" were visible above the ascending hemisphere. The glow spread over the whole sky. The light was even and unbroken; we could not see any flying objects. The parting of the Yermikhi stream, above the watershed of which the glow was rising, was brightly lit. Then everything began to dim and went out. The glow lasted around 10 seconds.Victor Vedeshin, questioned by telephone on 22 October 2002, said:
I went out onto the landing outside, went to the fence and opened the door. By then about 30 seconds had passed after the disappearance of the glow. There was a penetrating report, an explosion, a very sharp bang. It made your ears ring and even made you weak at the knees. Plaster came down in the building. Everything moved and shook. There was a single bang. That was at seven minutes to two. But a distant noise had appeared even before the beginning of the glow—something like the roar from an aircraft [witnesses to the Tunguska explosion compared this noise with a three-inch shell in flight—VU]. The sound came from the same quarter as the glow, but the bang came from the opposite side, where the glow had been heading. I heard that someone was sitting in an armchair at home and the chair moved under them...
...I was on duty that night at the boat station. A strong wind blew and at the same time a strong glow appeared in the sky. It was white, with a greenish tinge to it, bright like a welding spark or lightning, making your eyes hurt to look at it. Right then a shining flying sphere appeared. It flew beyond the horizon in the direction of Maximikhi...Vitaly Valiuk, who worked at the town hall in Bodaibo, noted:
Eight minutes to two in the morning. Dense cumulus clouds in the sky. I was standing and smoking. Suddenly there was a flash. I thought it was lightning. But the glow grew as if someone was turning on one bulb after another. It became as bright as day. Some object flew from the southwest to the northeast... You couldn't tell if it was a sphere or not. It had a turquoise glow around it. It was perhaps the size of the lunar disc. And it had a tail behind it – reddish like the sparks from a bonfire. The angle of fall was about 60 degrees. The speed of the object was very high. While it all flew past, I had time to finish my cigarette and 30 seconds later there came a rumble, like a distant explosion...Marina Kovaleva reported:
It was five to two. The light was strong. That light lasted a few seconds, then everything turned pink, then it got darker and darker and darker, becoming a reddish light. Then there was a rumbling. You got the impression, well, I don't know, like something below the ground, not clear but dull [a subterranean rumble from the working complex was also noted by witnesses to the Tunguska explosion who compared it to the rumble of train wheels—VU]. And after that rumble the window panes rattled...The glow was visible in the settlements of Kropotkin and Mama, located around 140 kilometres on either side of the bolide's presumed crash site. One of the witnesses stated:
Out of the blue my dog began to whine for no apparent reason. Suddenly we heard a strange noise – some kind of hum. Two or three seconds later there was a flash – white at first, then blue, then red and white again. And then, about three minutes later, there was a terrific bang. The china all fell off the table...Just over three minutes before the explosion, the first "terminator" was delivered to a waiting position for a final reconnaissance before striking. The object detected by the American military satellite was not a meteorite or bolide. Its instruments recorded the flight of the first terminator as it plunged down to intercept the Vitim meteorite, which gets its name from the place above which it exploded. A blinding flash lit up the taiga for a few instants with a bright light, like daylight, after which there came an explosion of such force that the blast wave, coming from a height of 32 kilometres, left all the dwellings for dozens of kilometres around without glass in the windows.
The researchers who made their way to the explosion site indicated by the US satellite saw pines on the way with their tops and branches torn off. Yet when the instruments indicated they had reached their destination, they could not find a meteorite crater or even anything remotely resembling one. There was no large-scale uprooting of trees at the site because the first explosion took place much higher up than that at Tunguska and successfully deflected the meteorite away from inhabited settlements. However, significant uprooting of trees was observed, especially at the top of hills, by hunters Dmitry Sasun and Piotr Fiodorchuk to the southeast of the place visited by the researchers.
The Terminators in Flight
As with the Tunguska event, simultaneously with the first explosion other spheres were flying towards the spot from different sides. There are plenty of witnesses to this. For instance, Sergei Khamidulin noted:On the night of 24 September I was fishing by the Kuduminskye Islands [5–6 km below Mama on the River Vitim]. The sky was completely clouded over and it was spitting with rain. I was fishing together with my wife. Suddenly it turned bright, fully as bright as day. Then out of the clouds came an object. It seemed already to be flying low. It was giving off light like from welding, but you could look at it without your eyes hurting. The angular dimensions of the disc were less than the full moon. The sphere was crumbling (scattering sparks). During the flight we could hear a sound (there was some kind of "rustling"). It wasn't coming towards me, but passed close by (to the south). The object flew over the Vitim and disappeared behind a mountain to the northeast (the bearing of the "departure point" was 30–40 degrees). The light disappeared after the object was hidden behind the mountains. A minute or a minute and a half later there was a resounding crash, like thunder, that rang out twice. There was no blast wave or tremor.This witness sketched the flying sphere with a tail.
Valentina Leontyeva works as a guard at the Lenzoloto gold-mining enterprise and was on duty that night. She noted:
...At two o'clock something fell. A round-shaped body rushed across the sky. A tail stretched out behind it. I thought "Is that a star?", but it was way too big. After 10 seconds there was an explosion, then a second. The door to my office even burst open...The Vitim case provided plenty of evidence of the electromagnetic nature of the terminator spheres and their powerful effect on the environment.
In the town of Mama, in the area of the flight path, there was a power cut that night. At the moment the terminators appeared, the light-bulbs suddenly lit up (dimly, at half strength)! The explanation that specialist physicists came up with is that "the flight caused a powerful disturbance in the Earth's magnetic field, and the change in it led to current appearing in a closed circuit". Additionally, the coronal discharge known as St Elmo's fire—small glowing balls—appeared on pointed objects. That phenomenon is also associated with changes in electrical field, but this time in the atmosphere.
Georgy Kaurtsev, on the staff at the Mama airport, reported:
...That night there was no electricity. The settlement was without power. I woke up and saw a flash of light outside. The chandelier that was turned off started glowing half-strength. After 15–20 seconds, the "ground rumbling" began...Vera Semionova and Lidia Berezan, security workers at the airport, went out onto the field around 1.50 am and saw lights shining at the ends of the fence posts around the weather station. The lights shone for a second or a second and a half. Mama was, incidentally, still dozens of kilometres from the flight path of the terminator.
As the terminator sphere was a powerful electromagnetic structure, it produced a humming noise like the crackling of high-voltage power lines. Many witnesses recalled that as the bolide passed they heard a distinctive "noise", "hum" or "rustling". The energy level was so high that it produced an electrophonic effect (generating an audible noise when in flight) and left a rainbow trail from which sparks flew.
Meteorite Destruction
After the first strike, which shifted the meteorite's course away from inhabited places, the other "terminator spheres" closed in and began methodically destroying the remnants of the intruder from space. That is why there were bangs from several collisions.Olga Ponomareva, an operator at the telephone exchange, noted:
...I was on duty. I had just lain down. First there was a rumble; all the windows rattled. I thought someone was trying to get through on the switchboard. I answered, "Yes?" No reply. "Who's there?" I asked. Then the light appeared, bright as day. There and gone. And the windows kept rattling. I thought it was an earthquake, but then why was it light? When the rattling began it was five to two. The glow lasted a matter of seconds, but the rattling seemed to me to go on for another five minutes. I went outside, too, to see who was knocking. And it was still rattling. There was a roar like a jet plane in flight.First the roar, then the bang. That means there was a roar, then the glow (while the noise still continued), and then the bang (like at Sasovo).
Yevgeny Chechikov reported:
We were spending the night on the river... When the glow appeared, it was so scary that we dropped to the ground. Then when the glow stopped, we heard sounds from an explosion. We heard an explosion, then two more small ones, quiet, almost without any gap...Sergei Chernyshev:
It was two or three in the morning. I wasn't sleeping, just lying there. The flash lasted about three seconds – white light so bright you couldn't look. I ran outside and it was dark. Roughly a minute passed. [He later said that 8–10 seconds had elapsed between the flash and the bang.] From the distance, from behind the mountains, came a triple echo. The walls in the house creaked. The sound came from the direction of Vitimsky. There were three explosions...Alexander Sergy, head of the administration of the Vitimsky settlement, said when questioned on 26 October 2002:
People saw a sphere with a tail. The angular dimensions of the sphere were "less than the Moon". There was a noise that built up – quiet at first, then louder and louder, even becoming frightening. After the flash there was a bang, 15–20 seconds later, maybe thirty. The explosion was very powerful. People thought it was some sort of disaster, although they are used to explosions. If the explosion was at a height of 10 kilometres, then it was several tonnes (four to five) at a minimum, perhaps many times more. It's hard to judge the [TNT] equivalent with an aerial explosion. There was not one blast, but between one and six (like people banging the radiators) – through the air and ground... A staccato shaking of the ground, between two and six diminishing shocks...As for the power of the explosion, preliminary assessments put it as three to four kilotonnes. Locals who are employed in mine workings where blasting powder is used stated that the explosion was of unprecedented strength. The blast could be felt across a radius of no less than 30 to 50 kilometres from the epicentre. It took the tops off trees. The blast wave left all the dwellings for dozens of kilometres around without glass in the windows.
As with Tunguska and Chulym, all the expeditions that went to the Vitim region found nothing except magnetite and silicate spherules that resulted from the destruction of a meteorite likely to have been carrying dangerous micro-organisms. Many witnesses saw that, after the flight of the Vitim bolide, two large radiant points moved along the same course as the meteorite. For two days these "little stars" lit up the taiga by night, as if they were looking for something. The same thing was reported by witnesses to the Tunguska incident.
Many people said that after the flight of the bolide, a glow was seen in the sky for several days that was the result of the terminator spheres' powerful influence.
Geomagnetic Field Disturbances
It should be noted that atomic explosions at altitude change the conductivity of the ionosphere. This inevitably leads to a disturbance in the Earth's magnetic field – a so-called geomagnetic effect.The geomagnetic effect of the Tunguska event was discovered in 1959 by four researchers from Tomsk: G. F. Plekhanov, A. F. Kovalevsky, V. K. Zhuravlev and N. V. Vasilyev. On old magnetograms dating from 30 June 1908, they found traces of an unusual disturbance in the geomagnetic field.
This makes it possible to suggest that the destruction of the meteorite caused an unusual disturbance in the geomagnetic field, similar to a magnetic storm with a sudden onset, but unusually short duration.
One of the oldest doctors in the Evenk Autonomous Region, Dr A. N. Deskov, recollected that rumours of some afflictions did circulate among the Evenk after the Tunguska event. For all the uncertainty of the situation, N. V. Vasilyev nevertheless observed that "in conditions of a complete absence of physicians or indeed any medical care, isolated cases of radiation sickness may have gone entirely unnoticed".
It is precisely for that reason that those who, thousands of years ago, designed and built the Installation in the Valley of Death use a high-altitude first strike to shift the consequences of the explosions away from populated areas so that people do not suffer.
Who built the Installation in Yakutia's "Valley of Death", and why? Ancient Aliens??? Hmmmm
Where can this be found on google earth?