
Monday, September 3, 2012

Dinosaurs Lived With Humans?

Did dinosaurs live alongside humans? If dinosaurs did live with humans, our world history would be wrong again. Ancient astronaut theorist agree Earths history should be severely questioned.  

"Man Track" or "Giant Man Tracks"
In 1910 Charlie Moss and his brother Grady were fishing in the Paluxy River when they came across a trail of three-toed dinosaur tracks on a limestone shelf, along with a series of even more curious, oblong footprints (Andrus, 1975). Described by Charlie as "giant man tracks," these large, elongate footprints (typically 15-18 inches long) were as yet unknown to geologists, but evidently were soon accepted as genuine human footprints.

For many years most locals seemed to regard these tracks as minor curiosities--evidently not realizing that the immense scientific implications of finding human and dinosaur footprints in the same rocks. Indeed, if confirmed, such a find would dramatically contradict the standard geologic timetable, which holds that dinosaurs (if we do not count birds) became extinct about 65 million years ago, whereas the first human remains are only a few million years old (a gap of over 60 million years). Moreover, the track beds in Glen Rose are now assigned by mainstream geologists to the lower part of the Cretaceous period, at or near the Aptian/Albian boundary, dated at about 113 million years (Young, 1974; Bergan and Pittman, 1990).

In the 1930's at least one Glen Rose resident, Jim Ryals, began chiseling out dinosaur tracks from the riverbed, and selling them to tourists and passersby (Bird, 1954).

Around the same time another local resident, George Adams (discoverer of the Wheeler Branch tracks) is known to have carved and sold at least several "giant man tracks" and dinosaur tracks on loose slabs of rock. George's nephew Wayland once even related his uncle's carving technique to a group of creationist researchers, noting that his uncle would start with a suitable sized block already containing a depression, and then carve in human features at his leisure under the shade of a tree (Morris, 1980, p. 110-126).

Evidently this technique involved less chance of breakage than chiseling and transporting real tracks from the riverbed, and allowed one to readily add print details that were typically indistinct or lacking on real prints. On the other hand, Adams was evidently handicapped by his limited carving skill; of the several loose "man tracks" which still exist and are generally attributed to him, all show serious anatomic errors, including misplaced ball and arch, and excessively long, misshapen toes.

Both Adams and Ryals probably had economic rather than anti-evolutionary motives for their track activities (which occurred during the Great Depression, when jobs were scarce). Ryals may have believed he had cut out real human tracks, and Adams likely believed he was making improved versions of the assumed "real" human tracks in the riverbed. At any rate, such carvings were limited in number, and contrary to the suggestions of some authors, do not explain most of the alleged human tracks in the Paluxy riverbed itself. Indeed, carvings would play a relatively minor role in the overall controversy. However, they would help bring Glen Rose and its remarkable tracks to the attention of the outside world.

Scientists now believe it could have been possible for some larger types of dinosaurs to have survived the asteroid extinction. New theories like dinosaurs having feathers and some being warm blooded would have helped them survive such a catastrophe. As for humans being on this planet longer than previously thought, we need only look to underwater structures found around the world. These architecturally advanced places were built when the water levels where lower and at a time when man was said to be living in caves.

Sunken pyramid off the island of Yonaguni near Okinawa in the Devil’s Sea / Dragons Triangle!

1 comment:

  1. That is totally possible!
