
Monday, September 3, 2012

UFOs and Volcanoes

UFOs seem to be interested in volcanoes. Lets look back at some UFO reports near active volcanoes.

On April 18th, 2010 a formation of flying objects was captured on video hovering above Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull volcano as it was erupting.  So what in the world were those flying objects?  Were they “birds” as many in the mainstream media are reporting?

Were they UFOs?  Will this be yet another of the unsolved and unexplained mysteries that we don’t have answers for?  Whatever the objects were, they obviously possessed intelligence as they were flying very deliberately in a “V-shaped” formation.  Unfortunately, we may never get the answers to the questions that we are asking.  But doesn’t it seem interesting that flying objects that look like UFOs keep showing up at so many important earth change events?

The videos posted below contain footage of these objects hovering near Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull volcano as it is erupting - take a few minutes to watch and judge for yourself whether or not those objects are UFOs….

UFO Sightings Near Sakurajima Volcano "JAPAN"



The long awaited eruption of Mexico's collosal volcano Popocatepetl ( name that means " Smoking Mountain" in old nahuatl language) that took place, brought not only fear and uncertainty but also a unexpected event captured by merely accident.

The main headlines of local newspapers Milenio and Extramex present a photograph of an unknown luminous flying object over the erupting volcano Popocatepetl located near from Mexico City and Puebla. The spectacular photograph taken by reporter Alfonso Reyes while making a report of the gigant violent awakening present a bright luminous object that contrast with the black clouds of smoke emanated from the volcano crater.

The photo was taken in a 20 seconds exposure time and a 24 mm angular lens according to Mr. Reyes testimony. However he did'nt saw actually the flying object and was until the development of the film that he discovered what the camera captured. Due to the long exposure time the camera captured the luminous descending trayectory of the object that seems to make a quick turn into the crater direction. The possibility of a meteor was discarded considering the described trayectory of the object and also no airplane or helicopter were present in that place for obvious reasons.

This is not the first time that strange unknown objects have been seen flying over this volcano. In June 29, 1999 the surveillance camera of the CENAPRED, the goverment agency for disasters prevention was monitoring Mount Popo taking pictures at time intervals. At 1:20PM the camera captured a strange disk shape dark object very near from the volcano crater and emerging among the smoke clouds. No explanation was given by the agency at the time but researchers continued gathering photographic and video evidences of continuous objects present over the smoking volcano. Certainly the photograph taken by Alfonso Reyes deserves a serious and dedicated analysis. Meanwhile this event as well as the others still remain unexplained. Santiago Yturria Monterrey, N.L., Mexico.

2000 Popocatepetl Volcano. On 12.21.2000 the main headlines of local newspapers Milenio and Extramex present a photograph of an unknown luminous flying object over the erupting volcano Popocatepetl located near from Mexico City and Puebla. The photograph was taken by reporter Alfonso Reyes two days earlier while making a report of the violent awakening of the volcano. It showed a luminous object that contrasted with the black clouds of smoke emanated from the volcano crater. The photo was taken in a 20 seconds exposure time and a 24 mm angular lens according to Mr. Reyes testimony.

2003 September 11. The great UFO photo was taken by a webcam which monitors the historic Mt. Popocatapeti in Mexico. This is only one of many photos of unknowns that have been taken over the historic volcano. The area is known for its UFO and anomalous activities, and is under constant watch.

1 comment:

  1. This is going to sound so crazy but Ive beem watching the livestreams of Popocatépetl and old faithful and I started seeing entities in the smoke and then I started seeing some sexually graphic images on Friday before Easter. It appears to imptegnate a woman and then eat the babies. Theres also snakes involved Please somebody watch the livestreams for yourself amd take screenshots and then adjust lighting or color to make them clearer. I feel like Im losing my mind.
