The problem with all of this for western scientists is that it implies that an unknown eastern culture had developed a high degree of organization thousands of years before the earliest western civilizations. Geologically, the Yonaguni pyramid sank into the ocean at the end of the last ice age, around ten thousand years ago. Some western geologists have theorized that, if it is manmade, it must have risen from the sea in more recent times, and been carved then.
However, the discovery of other, similar structures beneath the sea of Japan was also announced at a conference. If these prove to be similar to the Yonaguni pyramid they may rewrite the history of early man.
What would have caused these rocks to have such angular shapes? People (such as ancient astronaut theorists) argue that the formations at Yonaguni have too many right angles (an angle that never appears in nature) to have been naturally made. If these rocks at the Yonaguni monument weren’t formed by nature, then who made them?
These rock formations at the Yonaguni monument are too old to have been made by humans; early man just didn’t have the technology available.
It might sound a little outlandish to some people, but the alien theory has a lot of weight behind it. Experts like sports communication and information major Giorgio Tsoukalos have lent this theory their credibility.
First of all it’s located in the Devil’s Sea / Dragons Triangle, an area south of Japan that’s hailed as the Bermuda Triangle of the East. An area of great danger and supernatural activity. Beware! Countless ships have vanished without a trace within the area. This region has received enormous amounts of U.S.O and U.F.O. reports as well.
( If you believe these structures are natural, you must be visually impaired because your head is up your rear!)
Structures in stone that existed at the end of the last ice age, when the sea levels were over a hundred feet lower than today. Since the biggest cities are always built on the coast, the place to look for ancient cities would be the levels at which the ocean used to be at before all the ice melted(approx 9500 BC). There are definitely underwater ruins strewn all over the planet. Since the ocean levels are thought to have gone up and done with mini ice ages, it may be that we had civilization earlier than we thought.
"For example, Kimura said, he has identified quarry marks in the stone, rudimentary characters etched onto carved faces, and rocks sculpted into the likenesses of animals.
"The characters and animal monuments in the water, which I have been able to partially recover in my laboratory, suggest the culture comes from the Asian continent," he said.
"One example I have described as an underwater sphinx resembles a Chinese or ancient Okinawan king." Whoever created the city, most of it apparently sank in one of the huge seismic events that this part of the Pacific Rim is famous for, Kimura said.
The world's largest recorded tsunami struck Yonaguni Jima in April 1771 with an estimated height of more than 131 feet (40 meters), he noted, so such a fate might also have befallen the ancient civilization.
Kimura said he has identified ten structures off Yonaguni and a further five related structures off the main island of Okinawa. In total the ruins cover an area spanning 984 feet by 492 feet (300 meters by 150 meters).
The structures include the ruins of a castle, a triumphal arch, five temples, and at least one large stadium, all of which are connected by roads and water channels and are partly shielded by what could be huge retaining walls.
Submarine research surveys using SCUBA and sonic surveys reveal detailed topography similar to submarine, pyramidal features looking like a stepped pyramid off Yonaguni in Okinawa, Japan. The site is called Iseki Point(ruins site) as a leisure diving spot. Yonaguni Submarine Pyramid(YSP) is the major structure that stands under approximately 25 meters of ocean. Essentially, it has a cliff face like the side of a stepped pyramid, and dimensions of about 290m(length) by 120m(width) by 26m(height). Flat terraces, straight walls and its surface structure of walls with scars of tool marks driven in by a wedge on the structure are identified to be artificially fabricated. Appearance and size of YSP are similar to the biggest, ancient castles such as Shuri and Nakagusuku Castles in Okinawa Island, where they are called 'gusuku'. Roads associated with drainage canals were recognized, surrounding YSP, and that a retaining wall was found along a road. The southern point of the wall is composed of huge rock fragments. Stone tools and other artifacts were discovered from the sea bottom. Those evidence strongly shows that the YSP has not been manufactured by nature. It is identifie to be man-made. The formation age is estimated to be about 10,000 years ago based on 14C and 10Be age determinations.
Underwater road
'The sunken buildings are known to cover the ocean bottom (although not continuously) from the small island of Yonaguni in the southwest to Okinawa and its neighbouring islands, Kerama and Aguni, some 311 miles. If, after all, ongoing exploration here does indeed reveal more structures linking Yonaguni with Okinawa, the individual sites may be separate components of a huge city lying at the bottom of the Pacific. The single largest structure so far discovered lies near the eastern shore of Yonaguni at 100 feet down. It is approximately 240 feet long, 90 feet across and 45 feet high'. (2)
'The 'Yonaguni monument is over 50m long in an east-west direction and over 30m wide in a north-south direction. The top of the structure lies about 5m below sea level, whereas the base is approximately 25m below the surface' (3)
Genetic studies have revealed that native Taiwanese populations carry the purest form of Asian specific Human Lymphocyte Antigens (A24-Cw8-B48, A24-Cw9-B61 and A24-Cw10-B60). Studies have shown that the Taiwan area was the centre of dispersal for the; Tibetans, Thais, Tlingit, Kwakuitl, Haida, Hawaiian, Maori, Pima, Maya, Yakut, Inuit, Buryat,Man, Japanese from Shizuoka and Orochon from North East China (6). This major dispersal event, which happened about 6,000 years ago, suggests a major catastrophic event, such as flooding of the coastline, which caused an exodus of people, from which many new civilizations were born. Mysterious megalithic monuments on Taiwan and numerous underwater ruins north of Taiwan such as near Yonaguni confirm that a significantly organized society once existed in this area as much as 10,000 years ago and was destroyed by rapidly rising sea levels.
On Yonaguni Island and elsewhere in the Okinawa area there appears to be an ancient tradition of modifying, enhancing, and improving on nature (Shinto). On Yonaguni there are very old tombs (age unknown, but possibly on the order of thousands of years old) that stylistically appear to be comparable to the "architecture" of the Yonaguni
The formations have been compared to the Okinawa Tomb, a rock-hewn structure of uncertain age.
How old is Yonaguni.?
'The rock-faces appear to be dressed stone. If this is an artificial, man-made structure then it is reasonable to assume that it was carved not underwater but at a time when this area was above sea level. Indeed, this area has experienced major rises in sea levels during and since the Pleistocene ("Ice Age") and based on well-established standard curves of sea level rises in the region, as recently as 8,000 to 10,000 years ago the Yonagumi Monument may have been above local sea level. Thus we can suggest with some confidence that if the Yonaguni Monument is a man-made construction then it must be at least 8,000 years old. (3),(7)
10,000 years ago Yonaguni was located
very close to the Tropic of Cancer. Today the Tropic of Cancer is
located at approximately 23 degrees 27 minutes north latitude while
Yonaguni Island is located a full degree further north. However, the
position of the Tropic of Cancer varies over the millennia, from under
22 degrees to over 24 degrees, according to a 41,000 year cycle. At
around 8,000 B.C. the Yonaguni Monument was located much closer to the
Tropic of Cancer.
What proof is there that
the site was altered by mankind?
archway (left), has been found composed of blocks 'beautifully fitted
together' and reminiscent of the masonry of the Inca cities.(2)
The structures are said
to resemble ancient buildings on Okinawa itself where sacred buildings
are found near Noro, where burial vaults designed in the same
rectilinear style are still venerated as repositories for the islanders'
ancestral dead.
Several pieces of
'Stone-tools' were recovered at the site. 'Typical ones are adzes' says
Prof. Masaaki Kimura, 'They are not polished. Their age is estimated as
up to 10,000 years old'. (3)
Other evidence presented by those who favour an artificial origin include the
two round holes (about 2 feet wide) on the edge of the Triangle Pool
feature, and a straight row of smaller holes which have been interpreted as an
abandoned attempt to split off a section of the rock by means of wedges (see
right), a feature common in prehistory.
Supporters of an artificial origin also argue
that, while many of the features seen at Yonaguni are also seen in natural
sandstone formations throughout the world, the concentration of so many peculiar
formations in such a small area is highly unlikely. They also point out the
relative absence of loose blocks on the flat areas of the formation, which would
be expected if they were formed solely by natural erosion and fracturing.
If any part of the Monument was deliberately constructed or modified, it must have happened during or following the last Ice Age, when the sea level was much lower than it is today (e.g. 25m lower around 10,000 years BCE). During the Ice Age, the East China Sea was a narrow bay opening to the ocean at today's Tokara Gap. The Sea of Japan was an inland sea and there was no Yellow Sea; people and animals could walk into the Ryukyu peninsula from the continent. Therefore, Yonaguni was the southern end of a land bridge that connected it to Taiwan, Ryūkyū, Japan and Asia. This fact is underscored by a rock pillar in a now-submerged cave that has been interpreted as a fused stalactite-stalagmite pair, which could only form above water.
Quote: Robert Schoch 1999'We should also consider the possibility that the Yonaguni Monument is fundamentally a natural structure that was utilized, enhanced, and modified by humans in ancient times. The Yonaguni Monument may even have been a quarry from which blocks were cut, utilizing natural bedding, joint, and fracture planes of the rock, and thence removed for the purpose of constructing other structures which are long since gone'. (7)
Extraterrestrial Influences?
Ancient Japanese clay figures, or doguu from the late Jomon period of Japanese history (14,000-400 BC). Nobody really knows what they were for or who made them, but they look like they might be wearing diving suits or space suits or something. The evidence is all around you!
Ancient Japanese Extraterrestrial legend
According to the legend, local fishers of the 'Harato-no-hama' or 'Harayadōri' shore in the Hitachi province, today Ibaraki prefecture saw an ominous ‘ship’ drifting in the waters. Becoming curious, the fishermen surrounded the object with their small boats, then they towed it to the land. The vessel was 3.30 metres high and 5.45 metres wide and reminded the witnesses of a Kōhako (Japanese incense burner), some authors write it reminded the witnesses of a rice cooking pot. Its upper part seemed to be made of red coated rosewood, others say it was black coated. The lower part was covered with brazen plates, obviously to protect it against the sharp edged rocks. The upper part had several windows made of glass or crystal, covered with bars and clogged with some kind of tree resin. The windows were completely transparent and the baffled fishermen looked inside. The inner side of the Utsuro-bune was decorated with texts written in a unknown language. The fishermen found stuffs inside such as two bed sheets, a bottle filled with 3.6 litres of water, some cake and kneated meat. A beautiful decorated cup with ornaments no one could identify was also found. Then the fishermen saw a beautiful young woman possibly 18 or 20 years old. Her body size was said to be 1.5m. The woman had red hair and eyebrows, the hair elongated by artificially added white extensions. According to the authors, the extensions could have been made of white fur or thin, white-powdered textile streaks. The skin of the lady was a very pale pink colour. She wore precious, long and smooth clothes of unknown fabrics. Although the mysterious woman appeared friendly and courteous, she acted oddly, for she clutched an elongated box made of pale material all the time. The woman did not allow anyone to touch the box, no matter how kindly or pressingly the witnesses asked. The fishermen began to suspect that the box may contain the head of the woman´s deceased lover, since she was a princess of a foreign realm. But when she had an affair with a townsman, it caused a scandal and she was banned from home and she might have been exposed in that Utsuro-bune to leave her to destiny. The woman began speaking, but no one understood her. And she seemingly didn´t understand the fishermen. When attempted conversation fails, the fishermen decided with severe hearts to put the Utsuro-bune together with the young lady back into the ocean, where it drifted away.
Wow. That is some trippy stuff. I like fun and exciting stuff. Oh my God! Oh my God.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU PARANORMALISTICS. you have opened my eyes to another world. I used to read Guideposts and think differently. OH MY GOD!
ReplyDeleteParanormalistics.. you guys rock!!! Thanks for changing my life! Love you guys.
ReplyDeleteHey kudos to the PARANOPRMALISTICS CREW!!!!!!! I think they are cool and dangerous and really fun. YEY
ReplyDeleteyep..UFOs. I knew it!
ReplyDeleteNote worthy is that the predicted date for the sinking was six thousand years ago and by flood. Same as the biblical flood date. The archaeologist shovel always confirms the word of God.
ReplyDeleteoh... my....
ReplyDeleteKann I worked with astronomers And Geuograffe , to find som secret with your Group 75
ReplyDeleteVery interesting-especially the story of the red-haired woman in the boat.
ReplyDeleteSomebody I know told me a story about (a group ) of sailors in the Pacific who came across an island populated by re-haired people. When the sailors later returned to the area, they found no trace of the island, or the red-haired people...